Chapter 22

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Chapter 22 

"Liam," I breathed out, tears pooling in my eyes. 

His eyes widened in shock as he realized what I had seen. He stepped towards me and I stepped  back. He stopped in his tracks, "Faith, I-" 

I shook my head, cutting him off, "Save it. I should've known this would happen. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me." 

With that, I left him in the dust as I ran around the corner and back down the street I had came. I ran away from the spot I had found Liam and Maddie, once again, making out. 

Their lips together, moving in rhythm haunted me. Every time I blinked, the image showed up behind my eyes, even if it was a split second. It was there forever, always scarring my mind. I came to a stop at a street corner and slid down the brick wall, wrapping my arms around my knees. I sobbed; he had promised and he broke it. He broke my heart. 

Liam lied. 

Suddenly a car horn sounded, getting louder and louder. Looking up, I saw two headlights coming at me. I screamed and shielded my head with my forearms. 

Bolting up, I panted, my head snapping to the sound of the noise. It was my alarm clock. 

And that was only a nightmare. 

Liam was my mate, I told myself. He wouldn't lie to me-- he couldn't! Right? 

I sighed as I slid out of bed, making my way into the bathroom and brushing out my hair. Leaving it in it's natural waves, I put half of it back and up while leaving the rest down. Stepping into my closet, I settled on a light pink knit sweater and dark jeans with light brown boots. Applying a minimal amount of makeup, I deemed myself ready and walked out the door to meet Liam, who sat waiting in his car. 

Sliding into the passenger's seat, I smiled at him, still wary from the dream I had earlier. He frowned, "What's wrong?" 

Was I really that easy to read? 

"Nothing," I lied. I'm a horrible person. 

He kissed my cheek, "You'd tell me if something was bothering you, right?" 

I nodded, "Of course." 

God I hated lying to him.

We backed out of the driveway and began the journey to school. 

Shutting my locker, I jumped at the sight of finding Emma next to me. She smiled coldly, "So how are you and Liam? Still going strong?" 

I narrowed my eyes at her, "We're just fine, thank you very much. Now get out of my face before I punch you and we both know I will."

"What ever," She shrugged, an amused look on her face as she walked away. I mentally stabbed her fifty times as she walked away. Something about her just sent warning bells all over the place. 

Turning around, I jumped at the sight of yet another person. He smiled at me, "Hey, Faith. Can we talk?" 

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Uh, I have to get to class." 

Moving around him, I ment to go around him but he grabbed my arm, stopping me. 

"I think we should talk," Justin stated. 

Ripping my arm from his grip, I shook my head, "I think we shouldn't." 

And before he could protest, I was scurrying down the hall and to my next class. Liam smiled when I sat down next to him and I returned it, though it was forced. 

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