Chapter 26

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Chapter 26 

As my brain began to function once more, I felt searing pain shooting through me. I couldn't pin point where it was coming from. All I know is that I didn't want to move and I didn't want to live if it meant feeling this. But I had to live-- for Liam, for my mother, for my friends, for my brother and father and for myself. I owed this to me. 

Forcing my eyes open, I tried to gather my bearings. I was in an all white room, lying on a simple white metal table. Well, that explained why I was absolutely freezing. An involuntary shiver ran up my spine and I could finally figure out where I was hurt. 

My wrists and ankles were tied down with ropes. When I struggled to pull them free, I had to choke back a scream from the immense pain. Of course the ropes would be laced with silver, a werewolf's true weakness. 

Liam! I tried to call out through the pack link. I received a blank wall-- not on his end, but my own. A pinch came from my arm and I looked down to see my arm bandaged where Justin had plunged the syringe into me. Trying to fit the pieces together, I gather that they had put silver into the mixture to knock me out. Simple chloroform couldn't knock out a werewolf that easily. 

Straining with the ropes again, I audibly screamed. More pain was issued and I figured the more I struggle the more it hurts. 

Rule number one of my imprisonment: do not struggle against silver bindings. 

Resting my head back down on the cold, hollow, metal surface, I prayed that Alyssa had still been there in the store and made it back to tell Liam. But I wasn't sure what was going on outside. All I knew was that I was stuck somewhere being held prisoner by Morgan and Justin was the traitor spy. 

Justin. My lips curled at the mere thought of him, that scumbag. 

Closing my eyes, I tried focusing on my breath. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. My steady pace quickened as my thoughts drifted back to Liam and then to Jill. Where was Jill? Was she safe? Did they hurt her? I needed to know. 

Groaning in frustration, I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling. It was white, too. Maybe I wasn't kidnapped at all. Maybe I was dead and this was heaven. This was my test whether or not I'd be worthy of being an angel. Yes, that's it! Morgan didn't get to capture me! Justin simply did us all a favor and spared many a lives. 

But I still hate him

Guess that means I'm not an angel. Looking around the room, I looked for a door, but I couldn't find one. I was waiting for an angel to just step through the wall and smile down at me, saying I did a wonderful job. I wanted to get out of these ropes, look down from above and guide Liam along his way throughout his life-long journey. 

"Where are you?" I whispered to myself. Maybe I was going insane; I didn't know. I also didn't know the time, the day, where I was exactly, what had happened. It would be much simpler to ask what I did know. I decided to answer myself. 

My name is Faith Harper. I'm seventeen years old and am a werewolf. I have a brother, a dad and a handsome mate. I have a rogue wolf pack chasing me down to get revenge on Liam and his father. I think I'm in heaven.  

I paused when I heard a click. Darting my eyes around the room, I strained to find the source of the sound. Failing, I let my head drop back down with a thud. I was definitely going crazy. With another click, I looked up to see part of the wall being pushed open. 

My blood ran cold as I made eye contact with who entered the room. They gave me a sinister smile and I could feel blood draining from my face. I was at a serious disadvantage here. 

I added one more thing to my list of things I know. I am not in heaven. I am in hell. 


"Where is she?" I growled, pacing the room. Alyssa sat in the corner, head in her hands while shaking her head. 

She was crying, "I'm so sorry, Alpha! I should've done something! I should've helped-- I should have--" 

I cut her off, "You said Faith told you to stay hidden, correct?" She nodded. "Then you have nothing to apologize for. You followed your Luna's orders. Now you can help me find her. Do you have any clue where they were headed?" 

"I don't know. I mean Justin showed up," She began and I clenched my fist at the mention of his name. I was gonna rip the bastard's throat out. "And the next thing I know he knocks out Jill and threatens Faith. She glares at him but goes with him. They got into a van and all I know is that he's with Morgan." 

"We can't just go marching into Morgan's territory to get her either. That's the genius part," Jason speaks up. It's the first time he's said a word since he found out Faith was taken. 

Alyssa nodded, "It'd be to simple for Liam to march in there and tear all of their heads off. It's what they'd first expect." 

Danny sighed and rubbed Jason's back in a soothing manner. My wolf whined, missing the presence of his mate and worried for her well being. He frowned, "Why don't we go in groups? Like, attack in waves to have to keep them moving, confuse them." 

My father shook his head, "That's predictable. Morgan knows our attack styles, he used to be one of us." 

"Why shouldn't we just charge in there?" I ask. Everyone looks to me and I clench my jaw. "I'll lead a group to charge straight ahead. Set up men behind their other side. Attack from all sides, circle them and trap. They're fish in a pond." 

No one said anything, and we knew it was a silent agreement. I sent out an order for everyone in their groups and what formation to make. I turned to My father, Jason and Alyssa, "You three are with me." 

They nodded and we headed downstairs. Passing a mirror, I got a glance at my face. Blood shot eyes and a pale face. I knew I wouldn't look how I usually did until I found Faith, my other half. 

As soon as I had her in my arms again, I would tell her exactly how much I love her. 

A/N: EEK. lol. Who do you think walked into the room Faith was in? And what do you think about Liam's reaction? Who are my Laith shippers? The next chapter will be back to Faith's P.O.V! 

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