Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

(Faith's P.O.V)

I could feel anger radiating through me, pulsing through my veins and pumping my adrenaline. I was still crying, too, which could only mean I was feeling Liam's anger. It was his howl I had heard earlier-- I was absolutely certain of it. 

Letting out a shaky breath, I listened as hard as I could to figure out what was going on. As it had been previously, the room remained quiet. No more frantic shouts from the outer rooms of my holding cell. Straining as hard as I could, I barely made out the sound of someone shouting what I assumed were some type of orders. I could hear the sound but not the words. 

Groaning, I slid my eyes closed. All I wanted was to be out of this room, find Liam, and kick some ass. Especially Maddie and Justin, the cowardly traitors they are. Although I must admit, the bond between the two was perfect; a traitor with a fellow traitor. 

"Come on, Liam," I whispered under my breath, "Come on." 

Another, this time bigger surge of anger hit me and I knew that Liam had found Morgan. The feeling lasted for another five minutes or so until it was replaced with emptiness. Where did his feeling go? 

A stray tear slipped down my cheek and I asked myself, is today the day I die? 

No, a faint, almost non-existent voice in the back of my mind called out to me. I could not give up. I didn't know if Liam was dead or alive, and no matter how much that scared me, I couldn't lose my hope that he will come and find. 

A sudden burst of muffled screams from outside came followed by growls. Soon enough, there was silence. I wondered to myself what it was that caused the increase and decrease of noise. Surely, it would've had to been something exciting. 

A pound, a great boom, came from outside the confined walls. I jumped slightly, the noise scaring me. I scolded myself, hating the fact that I feel so helpless and small. 

Narrowing my eyes ever so slightly, I decided to do what I was too scared to do all this time-- scream. Letting loose possibly all of my vocal cords, I screamed at the top of my lungs, "Help!" 

Muffled voices were what I got in return. 

I screamed again and again, my throat getting drier and more raspy with each scream. Finally, I was left with barely enough of my voice to whisper and I stopped screaming. There were loud bangs coming from the wall where the door was and I mentally cheered. Someone found me! 

The pounding slowed to a stop and I wanted to scream at them to go one more, but I couldn't because I had let out all my screams earlier. I croaked out, "Please help me." 

With a sudden thud, the door flew open and Liam stood there, eyes wide and mouth open in shock. 

"Faith!" He shouted and charged forward, running up to me. He looked me up and down, pain written all over his face, "Oh my god, Faith, what did they do to you?" 

I shook my head, "I'm fine. Just please cut me out of these ropes." 

He did as told and soon I was sitting up, too weak and nauseous to stand yet. He tucked my hair behind my ears and bent down so he looked me right into the eyes, "You're never allowed to go to the mall ever again." 

I laughed and then stopped, "Where's Jill?" 

"Right here," She walked into the room, rubbing her wrists. Alyssa, Danny, Drew and Josh walked in behind her, smiling. I sighed in relief, glad everyone was okay. 

Liam scooped me up bridal style and kissed me on the lips, "I'm not letting you out of my sight." 

"I'm okay with that for about a day," I teased him, kissing his cheek. 

He growled playfully and I flicked his ear. He chuckled slightly and I sighed, "Let's go home." 

We got out of the house and I cringed as sunlight hit my eyes. Squinting, I saw our pack completely dominating Morgan's. Why bother fighting when he's dead, anyways?

Liam shouted to a nearby wolf, "Let's go!" 

The wolf shifted into my brother and I smiled at him, nodding. Danny run up to him, enveloping him in a hug. Morgan's pack was forced to bow to us, for we were their new leader. Our territory was now expanded onto theirs. Liam killed their alpha, meaning he was the new alpha. It was almost comical to see some expressions of relief on their face as they watched Liam and I go by. 

He walked all the way back to his house and set me down on the bed. A doctor came in and wrapped out my wrists and ankle, putting a mini cast on my pinkie to help the broken bone heal. He gave me some pain killers before leaving with a nod. 

Liam laid down on the bed next to me and pulled my body close next to his. He sighed, "I almost lost you." 

"But you didn't," I reminded him. 

He shook his head, "It doesn't matter! I could've lost you so easily. Had I just asked you to stay after training or--" 

"This wasn't your fault," I told him, cutting off his sentence, "It was all Morgan. Okay?" 

He nodded. 

Twisting around and kissing him on the lips, I smiled sadly at him, "I love you." 

His breath hitched in his throat before he leaned in and kissed me again, "I love you so much, Faith." 

Giggling, I wriggled out of his grasp and ran into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. Looking into the mirror, I was shocked to find that I didn't look terrible. My hair was relatively normal and my face looked average minus the small cut I had from hitting it against the table. 

Stepping back into the room, Liam picked me up in his arms and spun us around, gently setting us on the bed. 

He hovered over me, "What did I say about not leaving my side?" 

"Oops?" I feigned innocence and he rolled his eyes. 

Pulling the covers up over us, I used him as a pillow while drifting asleep. He was the warmest, softest pillow I've ever used. 

A/N: A bit on the short side, but oh well. Yeah they're back together! l o l .  Who's ready for the next chapter? not me! ;D leave a comment por favor? I'll love you forever!! 

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