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I woke up sore and tired. I was pissed the fuck off still. We were supposed to go and find out the baby's gender today but Crys left without me. Whatever. I went to shower and put on clean clothes but I noticed a note on the nightstand.

It was from Crys and I know damn well it wasn't meant for me.

I miss you. Can't wait for you to get out. Soon as I have this baby, we can get away. -your baby

I put the note back where it was and seen an unmarked envelope next to it. She was planning on sending this to someone. That fucked me up man. If it wasn't for me then who is it?

I was ready to cry and fuck shit up but I held myself together and got in the shower. I couldn't believe this shit though. Been with her for this long and she has proven that love is for the birds. Fuck love. I'm over it. This my last time getting played.


I threw on some jeans, a tie dye hoodie, and Timbs. I left my hair straight and went downstairs. Crys was just coming back home. She looked at me with a smile.

I just walked past her and went to the kitchen. She followed after me of course.

"I'm sorry about yesterday babe. For real. Don't you wanna know what we're having?" She asked trying to get close to me. I walked to the other side of the island and sorta nodded.


"A boy! Exactly what you wanted!" She said excited.

"Yeah. Cool. Who you writing letters and shit to Crys?" I asked finally looking into her eyes. She froze up completely and the air got thicker.


"You know what the fuck I said. So who is it?" I asked. She turned around and leaned against the counter. I stood there waiting.

"When I tell you, don't pull your gun out. I'm in love with someone else J."

"Cut the bull shit and TELL ME WHO THE FUCK IT IS!" I yelled scaring her. She began to cry and turned back around to face me.

"My old friend Aaron." My heart started to race and I got heated the fuck up.

"You lying right? You in live with that nigga? A fucking dude?! You don't know how hard it is for me to not give you a fucking black eye right now. YOU A DOG ASS BITCH! I want you out my house. It's up to you if I get to see the baby or not. I just need you out." I said. I slammed my glass plate on the table and it shattered to pieces.

I was overly angry. I didn't give a fuck about how she felt anymore. Or any bitch. Fuck a relationship. No matter how slow I take it. Shit always goes bad.

I went and got in my car and drove to Ro's house. She was sitting on the porch with Jade. I got out the car and walked up.

"Yoo are you good? Why is your hand bleeding?" Ro asked getting up from her seat.

"I'm gonna kill Crys." I said looking at the cut on my hand. Must have been from slamming the plate so hard.

"What the hell happened?" She asked as we all went inside.

"Crys been in love with somebody else this whole fucking time. 10 fucking months! My god man I can't open up to no fucking body without getting played." I explained as tears of anger streamed down my face.

Ro was wrapping up my hand and I guess Jade was shocked that I was crying.

"Wait the whole time? Who?" Ro asked.

"Her old friend Aaron. He in jail right now but I guess he's supposed to get out a few days before her due date." I said.

"What about the baby?"

"She just found out she having a boy today. But I found this letter she was writing to him and that shit said that after she has the baby they can get away. Meaning she was planning on leaving me anyways. I don't even know what she plans on doing with the baby. I told her it's up to her. I don't want shit to do with her." I explained.

"Wow. J you can cry. We don't judge you and you know that." She said.

"I-I don't want to cry over her." I said despite the fact that I was beginning to sob. "She doesn't even deserve my tears."

"But you deserve to let the pain out so go ahead."

"I'm so fucking hurt." I said as I broke down in her arms. She hugged me tightly.

"Well shit now I'm boutta cry. Jade can you take over? I gotta go take care of something real quick." Ro said rubbing my back.

"Y-yeah of course." Jade walked over and Ro let me go. Jade and I sat on the couch and she let me lay on her lap as I just cried. I never been so sad. Except for when Ray faked her death. Shit always happening to me. I thought I would actually be able to be happy now. Obviously not.

"Shhh. You'll get through it J." Jade said playing with my hair. Slowly, my crying slowed down and I slipped into a nap.


I woke up under a blanket, still laying on Jade's lap. She was watching a movie, dozing off herself. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"Oh you're awake. You needed that." She said.

"Yes I sure did. Did Ro come back yet?"

"Yeah she did. She's in the kitchen." She said. I got up and stretched before walking into the kitchen. Ro was warming up a TV dinner.

"Goodmorning sleepy head." She said roughing up my hair. I smiled a bit and sat down.

"Yeah yeah goodmornin."

"So I went and talked to Crys. First she tried to get me to talk you into being in a polyamourous relationship with her and Aaron. I knew that shit wasn't happening. So I asked about the baby. Jalea she doesn't want to keep the baby. She was planning on leaving the baby with you before she left. She also says she still loves you but she love Aaron more." She explained.

"She doesn't want the baby? Woww. I guess I'll be a single mother or some shit. I'm not letting her take my son if she don't really want him." I said shaking my head.

"Well are you staying here tonight?"

"Nah I gotta go to work soon. I'll see you later." She gave me a hug and I went to say bye to Jade.

"Hey Jade I'm heading out. Thanks for earlier." I said leaning in for a hug. But she turned her head towards me and we accidently kissed. I pulled away so quick.

"Wow I'm sorry." She said turning red.

"It's fine. I'll uhh hit you up some other time." I left quick as fuck. Jade is with Z and if I wanted to, I know I could have kept on kissing her.

I got in my car and went home. Crys was still here. I went inside and up to my room. She was laying in bed crying hard but I couldn't care less. I went in the closet and got my work uniform. I work at a gym. I train people for a living now. Only the people who sign up for my time slot. 8 to 9, 9:30 to 10:30, 12 to 1, and 2 to 4. Yes there are plenty of people who work out that late at night.

I put my hair into a bun and put on my gym tee, one of my track jackets, and basketball shorts. I walked out and Crys was standing there now.

"Jalea baby can't you see I still love you? I'm so confused! I want the both of you." She said holding onto my arm. Still crying.

"I'm done with you Crys. Deadass. I said I want you out." I stated turning towards her. She shook her head and leaned in to kiss me. I let her. I had her against the wall as we got into a heated make out session. I pulled away and laughed.

"You gon miss that. If you're stil here when I get home I'm throwing your shit in the street." I proclaimed. I grabbed my car keys and jetted.

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