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"You telling me you like this girl already?" Nyla asked in disbelief.

"Nah nigga. Fuck. I ain't boutta like nobody else ever in this lifetime. Did I tell you I'm a nymphomaniac? Because I am and she's so fucking mmm." I proclaimed making her laugh.

"Bro don't talk to me about that. You really ain't tryna be in another relationship though?" She asked.

"Fuck no! Nooooo. First bitch faked her death. Second one I can remember left me for a nigga. Third one was a syke-a-dyke. I done got cheated on, lied to, put in prison. All over dumb shit. I can't even fathom getting into a relationship." I explained shaking my head.

"You really been through too much. I didn't notice it was that bad. You still personal training?"

"Yeah. Thinking about quitting and starting something from home. Jshaun only 4 months old sooo I can't just leave him all the time." I explained.

"That sounds like a good move. But aye I gotta go to work. I'll catch you later bruh." She said standing up from the couch. I dapped her up and she left.

I checked my phone seeing a text from Mya.

Mya: You busy today?

Me: Nah I'm just staying in

Mya: Cool you wanna watch some movies?

Me: Yeah for sure. Come over whenever.

Mya: Aight

I went back upstairs to get Jshaun up from his nap. He was already awake though and smiled his toothless smile when he seen me. I laughed and picked him up.

"Good afternoon sleepy head." I said as I carried him downstairs to get some food. He held onto my hair as he stared at me with wide eyes. Babies are so funny to me but it's cute as hell.

I was on my way to the kitchen when I'm assuming Mya knocked on the door. I opened it and smiled at her.

"Wassup come in." I said letting her in. She walked with me to the kitchen and sat at the table.

"So this is Jshaun? He looks a lot more like you than I expected. You had him?" She asked.

"Oh no I wouldn't go through the pain. One of my exes had him but used my egg. That's why he looks just like me." I said smiling at his cute face. I laid him down in his bouncy chair that I kept on the table as I prepared his food.

"You look good today. I mean you always do but it's something about today." She said. I looked at her and smirked.

"You look fine as hell. You always do but it's just something about today. Maybe it's your hair. I like it braided back like that." I said. She smiled and shook her head at me. AJ walked in the kitchen interrupting us.

"My nephew! I never get to see his cute ass." She said running over to Jshaun.

"Then you can watch him for today?" I asked with a hopeful smile.

"You're funny J." She said glaring at me.

"Come onnn bro. What else were you gonna go do? Nothing. Jshaun needs some quality time with his aunt. Take advantage of this." I said. She sighed and picked him up.

"Fine. Go have fun. I'll make him some food." She said crossing her arms.

"Thanks AJ." I laughed at her face and pulled Mya to my room. We sat on my bed and while I was looking for a movie, she asked the question I hated to answer.

"You have a twin sister?"

"Mm yeah I do." I said.

"Why you say it like that?"

"Because I didn't even know she was my twin my whole life. I didn't know she was alive until a week ago." I said shaking my head.

"Can you tell me that story?" She asked looking interested. I put the controller down and bit my lip.

"You sure you wanna hear it?"

"I swear." She stated. So I began to tell her the story about AJ and I and our family. Which turned into telling her everything about me and how I got to where I am now.

I told her about Ray and all the shit my exes did to me. I told her about my mother's death and how I took care of that. I told her about how I used to be a drug dealer and almost got killed over that. I spilled everything. I needed to. Keeping my feelings about it bottled up inside for so long can do mental damage and I've already had enough mental damage done.

By the time we were done talking, it was time for her to go to work. Well almost.

"Wow.. I would never think you went through all that. Your smile is so beautiful and real to me. If I went through that, I don't think I would ever smile again." She said doubtfully.

"Time heals wounds but not all of them. I still have issues but I learn to put them aside most of the time. There are just certain things I won't allow myself to do again." I explained.

"I'm glad you used me to vent. I know that was probably hard seeing that you don't know if you can trust me or not. I don't want to become a part of your past. Just the future. So you can trust me. I really have to get going though." She said looking at the alarm clock. I stood up as she did and walked her downstairs.

"This was nice. Thank you for listening." I said. She nodded and gave me a hug.

"I'll text you later." She said.

"Aight." She left and I went to go check on AJ and Jshaun. She was asleep and Jshaun was knocked out in his bassinet. I turned her TV off and went back downstairs because someone was banging on my fucking door.

"Who the fuck.." I opened the door and looked at them just stuck. It was Ray. In her army uniform.

"What are you doing here?" I asked

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"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"They sent me home early. You were the first person I wanted to see. Needed to see. Can I come in?" She asked. I bit my lip for a moment but decided to let her in.

We sat on the couch and I couldn't help but to notice her new tattoos and new muscles. Of course she got buff out there.

"How was it?" I asked.

"It was hard. I like it. But it's not for me anymore. I uh kept thinking about you and us. I think if you forgave me for the past J we could start something good all over again. I know it's a long shot but I'm done acting like I'm over you. Are you honestly over me?" She asked turning towards me.

"Ray I don't have time for this." I said standing up. She stood up too and grabbed my hand.

"Answer the question." She stated. I looked down and shook my head. "I knew it. I'm ready to hold you down J. In every type of way. I'm not a kid no more. Can't you see I've grown up? We both have."

"I don't know.."

"I love you! I always have. I just let material shit get in the way of that. I swear I just want to be with you." She stepped closer and looked me in my eyes. "Don't you believe me?"

"I need time to think Ray." I said. She leaned in and kissed me. Man.. I don't even know what to think. She pulled away and grabbed her bag off the floor.

"I'll be back." With that, she left. I plopped down on the couch and licked my lips. Fuck..

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