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^ Jalea ^

I was in my room with Jshaun waiting for AJ to finish her talk with Ray. They had already been talking for an hour. I was rocking Jshaun to sleep when I heard yelling from downstairs. I hurried to put Jshaun in his crib and ran downstairs.

"What's going on?!" I yelled at Aj who was yelling at Ray. Ray was crying.

"She's a damn liar J. She told me everything! How could you even let her back into your life?!" Aj yelled at me.

"Ray what is she talking about?" I asked. That knot in my throat came back. The shiver in my bones came back. I couldn't let myself be a bitch about whatever the hell was about to come out of her mouth.

"Tell her now or I shoot yo fucking arm off!" Aj yelled at her. I noticed the revolver in her hand and knew she was serious.

"Jalea I'm so sorry." She said, wiping the tears from her chin. "I'm working with Crys. To get Jshaun back."

I looked between her and Aj with wide eyes. Aj sat down on the couch shaking her head, taking a gulp from her cup of Henny.

I ran at her faster than I thought I could. I tackled her to the ground and threw punches wherever they would go. I didn't waste all my energy on breaking Crys's nose. Definitely not my strength. I stopped hitting her once she stopped moving. She was unconscious and my hands were bloody.

I stood up and looked at Aj. She didn't seem the least bit surprised.

"From now on, any girl you talk to gotta talk to me first. I know I ain't been here but I'm not gonna stand by and let you continue getting hurt. Go ahead upstairs. I'll handle that." She said, sitting her glass down.

I went upstairs to my room and washed my hands off. They were gonna hurt so bad in a few hours. I went to get Jshaun and stopped in my tracks when I heard his window open.  I peeked inside his room and seen Crys climbing in the window. It looked like she went and got her nose checked and came right back.

I ran into the room and before she could fully get in, I pushed her back out of the window. All I could see was her body roll off the roof. I went back downstairs to see what Aj did with Ray. They weren't gonna stop until they got my son and that was not happening.

Ray was still laying on the floor unconscious so I took my gun out and shot her in the forehead. My son being in danger took over me. All I felt was anger and it was white hot.

"Whoa! Sis what you doing man?!" Aj yelled.

"Crys just got in Jshaun's window and tried to take him." I ran to the backdoor and seen her in the backyard, just now standing up.

"You thought you could come to my crib and take my son. You wrong as fuck Crys. I'm not Jalea no fucking more. I'm the old me. I'm J. You a dumb ass bitch." I held my gun up to her forehead and she froze.

"P-Plea-" I didn't even let her finish begging before I put a bullet through her skull. I ran inside the house and got all the shit I needed for clean-up. I had to erase all of this and get rid of any evidence. I put gloves on then I got to it.


"J is this really the best idea?" Aj asked as I threw the plastic wrapped bodies into my firepit. I lit them on fire without hesitation.

"Definitely." I replied. I went back inside the house and went to find Jshaun. He was sleeping still. But something seemed off. I pressed my hand on his chest and felt that feeling again.

"Please Jshaun tell me they didn't get to you." Tears sprung to my eyes while I checked him for a pulse. There was nothing. "Jshaun baby don't leave me."

I cried while I tried cpr and pumping his heart. Nothing worked.

"AJJJJ!!!" I screamed. I was beginning to have a panic attack. My son can't be gone. He didn't even get to see a birthday. Christmas. Nothing. Aj ran in and seen him in my arms.

"What's wrong?!" She asked.

"He's.. He's gone." I said. Crys must have already gotten in the window and she was leaving when I found her. I should have checked on him sooner. Before worrying about killing them. She had already killed him.

Aj dropped on the floor in front of me and took Jshaun from me. I fell back against the wall and my eyes let out all the tears they could.

"She took my baby. She took my son from me." It was hard to even speak.

"You took her right after J. It's gonna be okay. I promise." She had wrapped him in his blanket and handed him to me. I held him so tightly to my chest. Then I heard a cry.

"J let go!" I let go of him and noticed that he was crying. Oh my god. "You must have squeezed him hard enough to get his heart going again."

"That was the scariest moment of my life.." I said gasping. "I can't go through that again Aj. I will die."

"You won't have to go through that again." She replied.

"No I mean I can't keep him. My life and the people around me are too dangerous. I- I have to put him up for adoption." I said. The deep feeling was still in my chest. Like I had nothing inside me.

"What? You can't do that. He's your son. You've been through too much to keep him. You can keep him perfectly safe for the rest of his life. You got rid of the two main threats to his life. No one else is out for him. You're his mom J. J and J. You two can't be separated. Don't try it. You're just scared right now alright." She explained, talking me out of it the best she could.

"O-Okay. You're right. He's my son. My flesh and blood. He's stuck with me" I said, rubbing his soft little head. Ray is dead. Crys is dead. This time it couldn't be faked. Their bones are ash in my backyard. It's me and Aj and Jshaun from now on.

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