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Dia in media

I jumped out of bed, ready to smoke some weed and go pick Jshaun up. I was so ready to bring him home but I had to wait a few hours. So I lit a blunt and sang along with Fuzz Rico while blowing smoke.

I smiled when I got a text from Dia.

Dia- Goodmorning JJ 💕

Me- Morning Dia ⛅

Dia- I forgot to ask if you have a job. I've been looking but no one is hiring.

Me- I work at a gym. 3rd shift. I'm a personal trainer.

Dia- That's why you got them abs and shit.

Me- Lmao how you know that?

Dia- Your instagram. Lowkey lurked on it last night.

Me- Awe shit what's yours?

Dia- PapiiiDia 😌 aye don't you get to take Jshaun home today?

Me- Yeah I'm excited af. I gotta wait until noon though so I'm baking.

Dia- I see you. Do you like basketball games?

Me- Yeah why?

Dia- I have a game tomorrow. Was wondering if you wanted to go. I got an extra ticket.

Me- Yeah yeah I'll slide and pick that up later on today. You still live with your parents right?

Dia- Yeah I do

Me- Alrightt Idk how they gone feel when I pull up. Parents never like me. Js

Dia- Idgaf what they think. Lol I'll give you my address when you ready to get the ticket.

Me- Oh alright. See you later then

Dia- Latah

I put my phone down and got up from my chair. I danced my way to my closet to pick out my outfit. I grabbed some camo cargos, a black muscle tee, and my black low forces. I laid my jewelry out then got in the shower.

After that, I got dressed in the outfit and put on all my accessories. I always look fresh man. I put my hair in a messy bun while some strands hung around my face. I went to make sure everything was perfect in Jshaun's room before I left.

I drove straight to the mall. I had nothing to do for about 2 hours so I might as well shop. I went inside and went straight to the shoe store. I was looking at shoes for Jshaun, I didn't care if it was early. I found three dope ass pairs that I know he could rock. So I bought them along with two pairs for myself.

I was walking through the mall to get to H&M when I heard someone call my name. I turned around and laughed when I seen Dia. She was with a group of friends. I walked over to them still laughing.

"You had me confused as fuck mann." I said. She laughed at me while shaking her head.

"You must be high." She said.

"Yeah that shit I smoked was strong. Wassup with y'all though?" I asked.

"We don't have class today so we decided to come here. I rarely get to go out." She said.

"Aww well have fun. I'll see you later." I gave her a hug and went into H&M.

Couple Hours Later

I got to the hospital, ready to pick Jshaun up. I had his car seat and everything ready. When I went to get him, Crys was there. Mann wtf. I walked in the room after signing him out and picked him up from the bed.

"Bye Crys." I stated before I put him in the carseat. Man he was too fucking adorable. I kissed his cheeks then covered him with a blanket.

"Stop J. I want to stay with you two." She said grabbing me by my waist. I pushed her off with the quickness.

"After what you did?! I could never trust you again. I need a fresh start and that means you need to be out of the picture. You fucked up. You reap what you sow nigga." I picked up Jshaun's carseat and carried it outside to the car. I buckled him in the backseat and texted Dia.

Me- I can come get the ticket now?

Dia- Oh yeah. 928 Burkin Rd.

I put her address into my gps and followed the directions. She lived hella far from me. I pulled up and seen a woman sitting on the porch. Must be her mom.

I texted Dia to come outside so I could keep my eye on Jshaun. She walked outside and ignored her mom's questions to come talk to me.

"Heyy lemme see baby boy real quick." She said opening the door of my car. I laughed as I got out of the car.

"I think he likes you." I said. He was smiling at her as she held his hand and made faces. It was the cutest thing. She got out of the car smiling.

"I can't get enough of that boy. Here's your ticket." She handed me it and I put it in my pocket.

"Thanks. What time is it at?"

"Uhh it's at 4. If you're busy I'll understand." She said.

"I won't be. Work doesn't start until 8 for me." I said leaning against my car. Chief Keef was playing and I'm pretty sure half the people on her street heard it.

"What time is one of the classes? I need to put some work in." She said patting her stomach. I laughed and shook my head.

"You got a nice body already. But you can come in at 8. That's the smallest class. Or you can schedule a private workout and I can put you to work then." I said smirking.

"You funny. I guess I'll come to the class first and schedule a private session after that. I'll gladly let you put me to work." She said looking at the ground.

"You are something else. I gotta get lil dude home though. So I'll see you tomorrow. At 4." I said. She laughed and hugged my waist.

"Yeah see ya shorty."

"I know you're not talking. Bout 5'0. I'm hella tall compared to you." She laughed and looked up at me.

"I'm 5'4 thank you very much. See you tomorrow though." She pulled away and I got in my car. I shut the door and pulled off to get back home. When I got there, Jshaun was crying. Probably hungry by now. I took him in the house and got him out of the carseat. He held onto my shirt collar while I warmed up his milk.

I comforted him before I tested the milk and fed it to him. I was loving this life already. All the toxic people out of it. I have a beautiful baby boy. I have a job other than dealing with drugs. I got a real crush on a good girl. Plus, I'm already set for life.

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