I'm Not Sorry

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Sean POV

I have come to the decision that I am going to propose to Harper.
I don't care  if people think we're too young, I am in love with her and I would do anything to make her happy.

I should call Xan to see what I should do for this occasion?

I call her and she picks up after the second ring.

"Hey, Sean!"

"Hey! Do you have time to talk for a little bit? I need some advice on something."

"Yeah of course, Sean. What's this about?"

"I just want to wait till I see you, where should we meet up?"

"I'm kinda hungry, how about Chili's?"

"That's perfect, see you at 4:30?"

"Yeah that's good, see you soon baby bro"
I get dressed and head to Chili's I might be here a little early.
I'm just anxious I guess, I need my sister to basically tell me I'm not doing something insane.

I'm nervous as hell right now, Xan is Harper's best friend but she's my sister so she'll should be supportive, right?
I see her walk up to the table.
Oh here come the nerves!
Calm down! You can do this! MAN UP!
"Sean, what up?"

"Hey sis, nothing much how have you been?"

"Been better, but I can't complain"

"Well you wanna order before I start talking or...."

"Yeah let's do that"...

"So what is it you wanted to talk about?"

"I'm about to do something big and I wanted your advice"

She looked at me concerned, I should ease her into it.

"You know Harper and I have been together for...

"Not that long..."

"Almost 2 years but time doesn't define the way you feel for someone and I love her. I don't ever want to lose her so I've made a decision and I need your support"

"... Go on."

Just say it!

" I wanna marry Harper...."

She leaned back in her seat and stared at me for what seemed to be hours.

" I don't know what to say to you. Me, agreeing or disagreeing with your decision won't change anything Sean."

"I need you to tell me if you think I'm crazy for doing this."

"You have obviously made up your mind so, do what you feel is right, I won't stand in your way."
I love my sister!

"Thank you, and I love you for not judging me"

" I could never judge you baby brother, and I love you as well, come give me a hug"

It was nice to know that my sister was at least OK with the idea of my proposal, now all I need to do is ask her father for permission.... Aw sh*t!  

Harper's Fathers House

After leaving the restaurant with Xander, I drove to Harper's dad's house, I had only met the man once so I knew this wasn't going to be easy.

I knock on his door praying just praying, he wouldn't be home. I could at least say, I tried and he wasn't at home. The door creaked open and her father walked in front of the door. Damn it , I smiled making my self not look so, afraid.

"Hello, Mr. March. I'm Sean, Harper's boyfriend." He stared at me blankly before speaking.

"Okay? What do you want?" I could feel my hands become clammy and the air became thinner the longer I looked at him.

"iwannaaskyourdaughtertomarrymeanditwouldbegreatifihadyourblessingtodoit." I took a deep breath not being able to control how erratic it was.

"You're gonna have to say that over and a bit slower, for me son."

"I would like to ask for your daughters hand in marriage." His eyebrows shot up and he looked confused. "How old are you?"


"Yeah, that's what I thought. No"


"No. You two are too young to get married, do you even have a job?" I shake my head

"How were you going to provide for my little girl without a job?"

"I love her, sir. I would get a job, I would get 20 jobs just to make sure she has what she needs and what she wants in life. I can't promise you that I'm perfect because I'm not. What I can say is, your daughter is the best thing that's ever happened to me. I love her more than I love myself, and even more than that. I want for her everything she doesn't believe she could accomplish, i believe in her and I only want the opportunity to show that."

He smiled and pulled me into a tight hug "I knew I liked you. You have my blessing. But if she says No, just know, when you propose to her again, you still have my blessing."

"Thank you so much Mr. March"

"What do you have planned?"

"Something, I hope she'll never forget."

What does Sean have planned for Harper?

Thanks for reading

Peace out Lovebugs.

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