Chapter Eight

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I wasn't sure how long I had been lying there. I drifted to sleep for about a minute before my brain finally registered what had happened and I was wide awake again.

I tried to go back to sleep, but it didn't work. Jensen was fast asleep as far as I could tell, so I just laid there, listening to him breath and hoping I'd fall asleep at some point. But it didn't work. So, I just pretended on the off chance that Jensen woke up again.

I wasn't sure what time it was when I finally decided it was safe to try and wiggle out of Jensen's embrace. I grabbed my pajamas and my underwear off the floor and quickly pulled them on before sneaking my way towards the door.

"You leaving?"

I froze, my hand on the door knob. I turned to see Jensen laying on his back, looking at me.

"Yeah," I replied.


I ran my fingers through my hair before sitting down on the edge of Jensen's bed. He rolled onto his side and put one hand on my back, running his fingers under my shirt. I felt goosebumps rise on my arms. God, he makes me feel a certain type of way.

"I don't know," I sighed.

"Did you not enjoy yourself?"

"Oh my God, I definitely did." Jensen smiled and winked at me, causing me to giggle. Damn, what is this guy doing to me?! "I guess...I'm just worried."

Jensen sat up more and gave me a curious look. I sighed and decided it may have been time to tell Jensen why I tried to bottle up my secrets all these years. I sat with my back against the headboard as Jensen sat up next to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"Okay fine, you wanna know why I'm always moody around you?" I asked. Jensen shrugged in response. "I was always worried. We don't exactly have normal jobs or anything. We have this super dangerous line of work. What if one of us gets hurt or even killed? What if I lost you?"

Jensen just looked at me for a moment and I wasn't sure if what I was saying even made sense anymore. Maybe it was just my head's stupid, diluted way of stopping me from falling for Jensen because he was a team member. We all kind of had an unspoken rule about one of the team members dating another team member (aka me as I was the only girl on a team of straight men).

I looked down at my hands and shook my head. "You know what, never mind. It's kinda stupid."

"I don't think it's stupid," Jensen said, placing one of his hands on mine. "I'm just trying to absorb all of this."

"Absorb what?"

"The fact that you may or may not have liked me for a while but wouldn't date me because you were afraid of hurting me."

I shook my head again and looked at Jensen. "That's not even it, Jensen. I was afraid of a job going south and maybe you getting killed or even me getting killed. Whenever I thought about it, it hurt my heart to think about losing you. On the other hand, it also hurt to think about your reaction if you lost me. I couldn't help but think about how it was going to effect us as people and the others as our friends and as our team mates."

Jensen still looked lost. Maybe I just wasn't very good at explaining this. Or maybe it was just a stupid reason.

I sighed and got up again, ignoring Jensen's protests as he scrambled out of the bed after me. I exited Jensen's room and started walking back to my own. I just wanted to forget everything had happened. I embarrassed myself in front of Jensen. He was probably gonna brag about how he finally slept with me to the others before he went on his mission the next morning.

"Jo, wait!" Jensen called after me. I turned to look at him and had to stifle a laugh as I saw he was only his his boxers and shoes. I could only imagine the reactions of Pouch or Roque if they saw me in a big t-shirt and shorts and Jensen in just boxers. Pouch would have so much fun teasing us.

I tried to stay serious as I sighed, "I just want to forget it, okay Jensen?"

"Well I don't," he responded. "I want to talk about this right now before I go on my mission tomorrow."

"What is there to talk about? We slept together, I'm trying to figure out how to explain myself and it's not working because I have no idea how to explain the fact that I've basically been in love with you since the moment I laid eyes on you and I was too afraid to admit it because I was afraid of losing you or hurting you or not being enough for you because I've never had a real boyfriend and I've never really been in love before."

Jensen grabbed my arms and pressed his lips to mine, stopping my rambling immediately. My mind went fuzzy and all I could really concentrate on was continuing to kiss Jensen.

I suddenly didn't care who saw us or what they thought. All I cared about was allowing my walls to fall down a bit more and letting Jensen in.

He pulled away first and looked into my eyes. I swear I could've melted or got lost in his.

"I want you to be mine," Jensen whispered. "I don't care about anything else. Right now, I want you to be mine. Even if this mission is our last, I want to go out knowing that I finally made Jolene Jackson mine."

I smiled through the happy tears threatening to fall down my face. This would be the only time I'd ever let Jensen see my cry for any reason.

"I want to be yours," I said. "As long as I can call you mine as well. Not just now, but after this mission when we both survive and finally get to retire from this life."

Jensen smiled. "Deal."

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