Chapter Eleven

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Roque kicked in the bedroom door and we all rushed in. I was so angry, I barely had time to brace myself for what I may have seen. Luckily, Clay and Aisha were both still clothed. Well, Aisha was in her underwear and bra, but at least I wasn't seeing anything from Clay.

"She's Fadhil's daughter, Clay," Roque announced.

"She's Fadhil's daughter! She's Fadhil's daughter!" Jensen exclaimed, entering after the rest of us. He paused when he realized the situation; Aisha was stood before us with two guns in her hands, Clay was stood out our line of fire, but directly in the way of hers. "Oh, shit. She's got a gun and it's pointed at my dick. Clay, it's pointed at my dick!"

"Would you rather it was pointed at your face?" Pooch snapped.

"I know it makes no sense, but yes!"

Aisha raised an eyebrow and raised the gun that was pointed at Jensen's crotch to his face.


"Not really."

"Where's your gun, Jensen?" asked Pooch.

"In the van," Jensen responded.

"What's it doing there?"

"Not much."

"Would you two shut up?!" Roque snapped.

"What if it was pointed at your dick?!"

Suddenly, a shot rang out and Jensen was on the ground. I was seeing flashes of red and I suddenly didn't care what happened. I pointed my gun at Aisha and started pulling the trigger.

However, my attempt at revenge was interrupted by Aisha shooting the mirror on the ceiling, causing it to shatter and broken glass to rain down on us. We all took a moment to cover ourselves, before Pooch threw a gun to Clay and we all started shooting.

Aisha took cover in the bathroom, pushing the door closed behind her. We shot at the door, many bullet holes crashing through the door and the wall. I hoped we hit her. I didn't care if she was seriously injured or she was even killed in the process. I was so angry.

I was right. We shouldn't have trusted her. She lied to us again. She was dangerous. Why the hell did we listen to her?

Oh right. Because of Clay's raging boner for her.

I put my hand up to stop the fire. I kept my gun up as I approached the bathroom door. I kicked it open and aimed towards the bathtub. However, the room was empty and the window was open.

"She got away," I sighed as Pooch and Clay followed me. "Fucking dammit!"

"We gotta go," Pooch said, mainly to Clay. "Now."


We broke into a nearby mini-mart, the guys carrying a wounded and bleeding Jensen as Cougar let us in. We found the pharmacy and laid Jensen down on the counter. Cougar was bandaging him up as the rest of us stood around.

I stood next to Jensen, looking down at him. He wasn't meeting my gaze. He was gaze wrapped around his fingers to bite down on so he wouldn't cry out with pain. I was angry. I was pissed. I wanted to make Aisha pay. Not just for what she did to Jensen, but for what she did to all of us.

The room was tense. No one spoke, not even Clay. I knew he was upset, he let another crazy woman in. Except this time, he brought her into his team. He let her get to know us, then he let her get away.

I don't think any of us were as angry as Pooch, who was pacing around while we all just stayed stationary.

"She burned us," he sighed. "The whole op is blown. She knows our names, our faces." He paused to look at Clay. "Does she know about our families?"

Clay wouldn't meet Pooch's gaze.

"Dammit, Clay, look at me!" he snapped. Clay looked up and Pooch repeated, more calmly, "Does she know about our families?"

Clay replied, "Yes."

It was like a knife through everyone's hearts. It was the final straw, especially for Pooch. He looked devastated.

"I gotta go home," he announced. "to Springfield. Jensen can come with me, is niece is in New Hampshire. I'm done."

There was silence. I knew everyone was thinking the same thing. At this point, was it even worth it? Aisha knew about us, Max knew about us. We had two threats now, and God only knows what would happen if the two of them happened to team up.

I looked around at the faces of despair and realized I wasn't feeling that way. I wasn't ready to give up so soon. I wasn't upset, I was angry. I wanted everyone who wronged us to pay; Wade, Max, especially Aisha.

I wasn't going to give up.

"I'm not," I spoke up through the silence. Everyone looked at me. "I don't know if you guys have noticed, but I have this thing where when I commit to a mission, I stay true to the end, no matter how bleak the results look. Besides, I have nothing back home. No close family, no..." I glanced at Jensen. I couldn't look at him for too long, his eyes were full of despair. "no significant others. No one is at risk for me, no one will be broken by losing me."

I was lying. The one person I knew would be broken by losing me was laying on a table right in front of me. I felt Jensen's hand brush against my own.

"What happened to not losing one another?" he mumbled, only loud enough for me to hear.

"I'm gong to the port," Roque spoke up, now drawing the attention to him.

"You get back to your families," Clay said to Cougar, Pooch and Jensen. "We'll get Max. I did this, I made the call in Bolivia. I put your families in danger."

"You weren't the one who shot him," I told Clay, with fierceness in my voice. I wasn't about to let him take the blame for this whole thing. "If we ever see Aisha again, you tell her that, okay? I'm not letting you take the blame for this one."

"Just let the three of us finish this," Roque told the rest of the team.

"So you three idiots are gonna go in there blind?" Pooch asked.

There was silence, but it was soon broken by Cougar, who was loading his handgun.


Jensen sighed. "Hey, getting shot is great. I'm up for it again."

I smiled and squeezed his hand. He squeezed mine in return.

"Five idiots," I said.

We all looked at Pooch, the remaining member. He looked at the five of us before lowering his head and laughing.

"You sons of bitches," he breathed. "I'll drive."

Clay smirked. "Six."

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