Chapter Three

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I arrived at the cemetery sometime in the afternoon. Pooch, Clay and Roque were already there. I smiled and gave Pooch and Roque hugs and nodded, respectfully, at Clay. Then, we waited.

We heard motorbikes coming down the street. The two bikes, driven by girls, slowed to a stop in front of us. On the bike farthest from us was Cougar, still with his prized cowboy hat on. On the one closest to us was Jensen.

I took a good long look at the girl driving him. She was beautiful, had black hair, long thin legs and a t-shirt that her tits were practically ready to bounce out of. She was way prettier than I was. I felt like I had just been shot through the chest and Jensen was the one holding the gun.

I blinked away tears I knew were threatening to fall and put on my hard mask. I wasn't going to let Jensen know how upset this made me.

"I'm sorry we're late," Jensen said. "There was a party at the doll factory. It was Papito's birthday."

Jensen and Cougar climbed off their bikes. Cougar kissed the girl driving his bike then went for Jensen's girl. Jensen was leaning in for a kiss as well, but got rejected. I purposefully let out a loud laugh. Jensen glared at me as the girls drove away.

"So," he said. "She wanted to meet in a cemetery. That's not like, foreboding at all."

"Am I the only one who sees his shirt?" Roque asked.

"Nah," Pooch replied.

I had just noticed Jensen's shirt myself. It was pink. Not like hot pink or whatever the hell that color is called. Like Barbie pink. Written on it was the words "Go Petunias!" with a picture of a petunia next to the word. I held back my laughter for the sake of his dignity.

"Oh! It's my niece's soccer team. 8 and under. I checked their scores online and I-"

Jensen paused when he noticed we were all looking at him.

"What?" he asked. "They're in the playoffs!"

The others shook their heads and began to walk away. I stood up and brushed some small pebbles off the ass of my shorts before approaching Jensen.

"For what it's worst, I think it's sweet," I told him. I decided to drop the whole angry act and try to be nice. Anger never got anyone anywhere.

Jensen gave me a look (which clearly read that he was skeptical) and asked, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Well, that sent my nice girl attitude out the window as I replied, "Just what I said, numb nuts."

I began to walk away. I didn't want to talk to him anymore. I just wanted to meet whoever we were supposed to be meeting and get whatever it is we were doing over with. I was doing a pretty good job at forgetting Jensen and now it was all coming back up.

Jensen followed close to me.

"Listen JJ. I'm sorry I haven't been talk to you a lot recently. You have to understand-"

I spun on my heels to stop him mid sentence. "Okay, first off, don't call me JJ. Like ever. It's Jo or even Captain Jackson if you wish. Second, what don't I understand Jensen? That you were unable to take two seconds from your-" I turned on my sarcasm. "-hard, hard life partying with hot chicks-" I turned serious again to finish with, "-to send me a simple text?!"


It felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest. I started walking away. Jensen followed, hot on my heels, apologizing over and over. I ignored him.

"What do you have on her?" Clay asked Jensen, talking about the person we were here to meet.

Jensen pulled some device with a tap screen and stylist out of his pocket. He looked at it and replied, "Besides a pant busting crush-" I seriously wanted to strangle him. "-her company file is blank. CIA has a standard kill order on her."

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