Scarf slingshots breaking the 4th wall

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"Wow, this is such a pretty ugly nice place Agle." Iris says while walking around the beach. Agle smiled at the saying. He was a compliment hogging hoe anyway. After going to the hospital and coming back with about every section of his body covered in bubble wrap, Agle found a beach for the crew to stay. The shoreline was straight out of the picture wonerfull found on the internet. Palm trees were spread across the land. Iris sighed. "Maybe okay will be our forever." Agle smiled. This is life.

Anaya and fhohofa played in the water. They splashed the blood of a certain native onto themselves. They had to murder that man and his family because he didn't kill Agle with that monkey. Well, you can never really expect anyone to do what they were supposed to. That's why Anaya always carried a knife with her, if they can't do what you want, just kill them.

The last two paragraphs never happened. Agle died of rabies. Everyone is cheering for his comical demise. Anaya cooked meat and potato kabobs. Hohowlss got them a condo near the beach by a quick stab and a half. In other words, he and Anaya brutally murdered everyone in the motel by stabbing them. Iris drank Agle's blood. This gave her the power of the bananas. This is important no it's not yes it is.

After the blood ceremony and all the kabobs were gone, they are lied down under a starry night. The world suddenly made sense. The reason we are all on this earth, the purpose of one's life and their pain, was the amount of faces you looked into before slicing their throat. When all of them came to this conclusion, they all ate grass.

The next morning was relatively calm considering the amount of blood that painted the ground. Jldslhosa stretched out his camel legs. He turned towards the fourth wall and shouted,"Well, wonerfull? Whats next?"

Wonderful stared at her computer. What was next? She had got them to the place she was meaning them to go to. She killed off Agle, which took up enough of this chapter. What is there to do? Hey, what about the thing she created in the other chapter? Yeah, that is perfect!

Kitsa was currently in the middle of the indian ocean. This place smelled of salt and camel. Those were the scents she was told to track with her built in dresser. This was the scent that will lead to her goal: the continuation of the plot. When she reach the scent, she will continue this strange plot! The thought was great. Hey, it was time for dinner! Kitsa used her monkey tail to reach into her camel hump. She fumbled around until she hit it. The tail retracted to reveal dinner. Dinner was one of her favorites. It doesn't get better tasting than this. In her tail, was a soul. (Wonerfull asks that you think of the souls depicted in Soul Eater. ) When she finished with the protagonists, this was her reward.

Alhdbsis was still staring at the fourth wall. "Well?" he said with obvious irritation in his voice. He tapped his hoof against the table. The table vibrated little by little every time he tapped it. Anaya watched from a safe distance. Her camel friend was obviously trying to annoy Wonerfull, but why? For whatever reason, she decided to stay a far distance for him and Wonderfull wrath. Iris agreed, choosing to sleep on Anaya's lap than being close to what's about to happen.

Wonerfull was indeed irritated. Why in heaven's name would her own character try to annoy her? He have seen her practically eradicate a city with a giant hand. He wouldn't try to make her angry... wait a second. That's what he is doing isn't it? Well, let's go see the look on his face when she moves the plot.

Kitsa was making good progress. If she kept going at this rate, she would make it to the scent in 5 days. As long as she didn't run into any trouble along the way. Kitsa was drifting to the land of the remote controls when she heard a strange sound. RRRRHHHH

Kitsa, being programmed to take care of such problems, was not concerned about the sound. What concerned her was how big the shadow it created was. It loomed over the water, as if there was an eclipse. But it wasn't an eclipse, it was a scarf. The scarf was multicolored with peacock blue and pink. It smelled like mistress. Kitsa looked up immediately. It was mistress!

Wonerfull thought this would be perfect. Not only can she get revenge on ksksk, but she can also move the plot along! No more filler! Joyous days! She made the scarf dip down towards Kitsa. Kitsa eagerly jumped onto the fabric. "Kitsa, we're moving the plot along. How do you feel about that?" Wonerfull asked her friend. Kitsa purred at the thought of going faster. Wonerfull pulled the fabric back and made a slingshot like thing. When Kitsa was released, she headed right to the motel inhabited by the protagonists.

Hnoadwndsai gave out an angry growl and flipped over the table. Allow this text face to demonstrate. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ That's pretty much what happened. The pain he felt was excruciating. You try flipping a table with hooves! Why wasn't Wonerfull doing something about his behavior? Knowing his creator, she would have killed half the people in this motel( Considering he and Anaya didn't do that earlier.) and swept us somewhere more interesting. Oh well, that's what happens when you try to go against the creator. He looked over at his companions. They fell asleep, knowing it was better than the fate fnsndis was going to face. Vjvjvju Decided to go to sleep as well-CRASH BANJOS!

It was at this moment that Kitsa bursted through the wall, creating a major crack in the motel. This crack divided fdnnkia from Iris and Anaya. Kitsa growled menacingly. This camel soul will be delicious.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Don't you just love cliffhangers? I hate them too. What will happen? We'll see next week.




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