flyin through the bayou, crushing em all the way.

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  Anaya and fwrbyaefbpuefbafpy flew though several tacos and peanuts. Who knew those foods were up here? Maybe they arn't. maybe it's just the banana gods playing a trick on them, oh well, we'll never know now. After eating her last piece of cooked spinish Anaya asked dubikfbfisedbsdsdwdfvu," Hey fbvfdbvfubfdlliogi, how are we flying right now? You're a camel." Right after she said the words, they went falling through the peanut butter.

   They fell in slow motion, as if they were trying to build up supence that isn't needed. bguhibbbuyho8b8gug looked at Anaya with pity. His camel eyes blinked and sighed. This small action took an unreasonbly long amount of time because of the unessasary slow motion added for no reason. Then both looked down. The slow motion stopped and they both sceeched as they fell through the peanut buuter. It coated thier skin until they were a hazel brown.

"Anaya! Haven't you seen a cartoon? Logic doesn't work untill you look down or point it out! Now we're going to cra-"


They crash into something metal. And high. They were at least 900 feet off the ground. As Anaya looked down, she saw a bunch of people gather at the bootom of the structure. Why are they looking at us so strangely? Anaya thought to her self. Haven't they seen a girl and a camel hanging off of a immence object?

"Hey girl, pourquoi êtes-vous et un chameau au sommet de la tour effiel ? Il n'est pas un désert dans milles de là !" One of the people shouted. Anaya wasn't sure what the guy/girl said, but she was able to pick out some words. Camel. Effiel tower, and girl. While Anaya was trying to translate what the man just said, hifbfuihwoldeihwsui was trying to stand up. It seemed that his leg exploded. There would be blood, but who cares? We're trying to keep a PG rating here!

"yuhvcdugbcdluibgc cdigbi! My acorn has decided to blow up while watching honey boo boo! " Anaya shouted. How could this happen? They were in Norway for the last two minutes until Anaya mentioned the flying issue. " What do you mean we're in France on top of the Effiel tower. We were in Norway a mere two minutes ago!"

" I don't know! Maybe you were sneezing and created a different universe. Then we traveled through Dixieland and the banana gods decided to take us to France." Tzyumxxxhmnh nodded his head in agreement. "That is the most logical answer. Maybe we can go back the way we came."

"Then where will we go?" Anaya asked. Suddenly, the answer beamed on her. Literally. A beam of light shined from the heavens and onto her eyes. Anaya shield the light from her eyes with her hands. It was the banana gods! "WE'VE HAVE HEARD YOUR CRYS AND STRUGGLES. WE WILL RELIEVE YOU OF THIS CURSE. CATCH YA DOWN IN NEW ORLEANS!"

A flash of light blinded them. Once the light cleared, Anaya reliesed that the light reprisented how bright her future was and the light ending was how dark her past was. Like when she insulted the feminists. When she did that, everyone shunned her untill she was a carcass of her old self. Then the light came. The light blinded her past with her future. She learned a valuable lesson that day. It was #Don'tupsetthefeminists

Back on track, the light relveled a swampish place. The trees were a dark hazy blue, complimenting the grayness of the water. It was dotted with ebony green lily pads. The fog swept through the area giving it a mysterious aura. You could see the detail of every caress of the bark.

Wow, did i just used up an entire paragraph desribing a swamp? Forever alone, friends, forever alone.

Anaya looked to her right and saw a light. It must be a duck. She hates ducks. Immediately, She jumped on hcdnisdcbnidssdeiwa's back and screeched," After that duck!" vfyubvfibdfcb flew as fast as he could towards the duck. Once she was close enough, Anaya grabbed it and crush it between her fingers. Seeing more lights she saw that there were more ducks.

The ducks seemed to be leading two frogs and an aligator deeper into the swamp. "Going down the bayou, going down the bayou," They were singing. Singing ducks? Who's ideas was that? "ybublio8byyiygbyuby," Anaya said."Go get those ducks!" With that, they were off. Every time they neared a unexspecting duck, they would crush them untill they were nothing but slimy organs. They sounded wonerfull. WHADDUP USERNAME REFERENCE!

They never did see those frogs and that alligator. But they told some frog Hunters about them so that's what probably happened to them. They later saw them with a cage full of something. But they didn't actually care that much.

   Suddenly, something flew through the night sky. It was what seems like a flying carpet. That's heading right towards them. "Mayday! Mayday!" dskubgcsdigbcdsikbdi And Anaya hit the dirt. The thing flew right over them and crashed into a nearby tree. The thing rose from the ashes, fire erupting behind it, burning the bayou until it was a burnt crisp.

   "Hey, why did you burn the area? And how? There's water everywhere." cbdfjvfbdjifdbiajdb said with a puzzled look on his face.The smoke around the thing faded away and reveiled a man with a fez. It's that guy from the last chapter? But wasn't he in mental care for crying about life? No, not life. It was that monkey, right?

   "Anaya and dbfcvfdibdafibdpdqe," The guy said, " I have escaped the confined white spaces of the mental hopspital and has come to kill you."

   "Why?" Said Anaya. All she did was throw a monkey across the desert. The guy looked at her with discust. "It's time for a SUPER NINJA FUN TIME HAPPY PLAY PLAY FIGHT!!!" Then he shot up into the air, turned into an anime charenter, and struck. Anaya then shot up and turned into a anime charenter and fought back.

 The guy punched her in the face. Anaya punched back. Wonerful then found out that she cannot write a fight sence to save her life. Nor can she spell. So she asks of you to go watch kickin it then come back to readthe rest of this story.

   With one last punch, the guy fell back to earth. His back pounded the ground with a loud thump. He stared into the sky and breathed his last breath. Anaya landed on the ground like a cat. She looked at her camel friend and smiled. Tired, she walked over to hbdidebeidbibuswao and lied down on his lumped back. That must've been very cofortable for her because she fell right asleep. Seeing this, bdcubcsisddcqbidb walked slowy out of what was left of the bayou.

    Surprizenly, a purple carpet followed along. The once light brown camel dumped his load on the carpet and contined walking. The purple flying carpet flew beside him too.

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