Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 

Aminta's POV

It took me a while to fall asleep. I have never really slept over anyone's house besides Glitch's actual house and it's not that easy for me. That is, until Glitch put his arms around my waist. At first I was all like Da Faq bruh? But now I see why. I fell asleep soon after that. Haha, can't wait for morning. I am totally gonna scream just to scare him. xD here goes. 

10:26am - 

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" I scream. Glitch's eyes immediately open as he falls off the bed. I laugh my butt off when I see his face. Total horror. I loved every second of it. 

"ahahahaha! I got chu!" I pointed and laughed so hard I couldn't breathe. 

"Whaaaa?" He still didn't know what was happening. 

"I'm gonna go brush my teeth bruh. You should too. Oh and Glitch, I don't really apreciate drool all over my shoulder when I wake up next time. " He blushed as he got up from the floor. I walked into the bathroom and started my morning routine. 

Glitch's POV

Drool? I drool? So I drool now. That's just great.

Amintas POV

Once I got in my outfit of the day (below). And I have got to say. I looked pretty fly. 

"Woah, Minty you be lookin fly

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"Woah, Minty you be lookin fly. But we are going out so no dancing right now, anyways." Glitch tells me. 

"So I have to change my outfit?" I ask kinda sad. I wanna wear this outfit though. 

"Nah, you good. C'mon. We ain't got all day. " He takes my hand. 

"Okay, no more surprises. Where are we going?"  I beg and plead until he finally tells me. 

"Fine. We are going to meet some friends, then head down to the subway and back home before your mom has a heart attack. " he chuckles yet I don't find it amusing. My mom seriously will. 

"Who are these friends?" 

"Oh my gosh, do you want EVERYTHING to be spoiled. Fine. Everyone, you met, on the subway, yesterday okay?" 

"Oh, okay, leggo."  He takes my hand and leads me out of his suite.  We take the elevator of the DCI building. We say hello to this crew called Flash4ward. They seem really cool but I didn't really have a bunch of time before my mom died of heart attack from me not being home. I quickly say bye to them and head for the subway. I need to go onto youtube and upload a new video! (Wait! I forgot to tell you. Well, I haven't told anybody. ) I have this youtube channel, (A/N: i do not have a youtube channel. It's just a part of the story.)  I have this mask I wear when I dance for the videos. I always get millions of view and thousands of comments.  My mask is golden, with some music notes and such on it.  It's a full face mask because I know Glitch checks out my channel. Even HE doesn't know about it. In fact, most of DCI checks out my channel. I saw them like my videos, and comments. Now I'm just waiting for them to ask me to come to DCI. I would give anything to come to their school. 

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