Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 (yay!) A/N: Guys beware, this chapter is going to be very long sorry!!!!!!

Glitch's Pov

DANGIT! I completely forgot to tell her about my father visiting! She is so mad right now. I don' know whether she is going to throw a rock at my head or strangle me to death. either way, I'll still end up probably dying.

"Now Minty. I did not mean for it to come out like this. It's just that... I um...forgot. " or the fact that I don't want him to meet her.

"Glitch you're lying." she crosses her arms and gives me a 'really?' type look.

"Whaaaaat? Nooooo. I would ever lie to you Minty. not in a million years. "

"You just lied again."

"How can you tell?"

"Your hands are folded, you're not making eye contact, and you keep tapping your toe on the ground. "

"Okay so I was fibbing but really there's nothing to worry about. it's just my dad. "

"then why didn't you tell me before. C'mon Glitch tell me what's wrong."

"I don't know."

"The thing is, I wasn't really asking. You bes open your mouth and start talking now otherwise I'll ruin your reputation as a son in front of your dad, or worse."

"Your just saying that."

"You wanna bet on that?" Now I know she's not kidding.

"Okay! Okay. You win. " I take a deep breath.  " My dad doesn't like me hanging out with girls unless I'm dating one. So you either have to pretend to be my girlfriend, or not come to the house at all until the showcase. " I give her a nervous smile. She looks down at her shoes.

"Seeming that I don't have very bad choices right now. I guess I'll play the part. Unless you'd like to sneak out every night and have a sleep over with me every night?" 

"Sweet. So I will just get you some clothes and stuff for his arrival and we'll work on um.... that" I gesture to her whole self.

"Um excuse me?!"

"What? My dad is not gonna except that for my girlfriend. "

"But you haven't even asked me if I wanted to be your fake girlfriend."

"What do you mean?"

"You know how the guy asks the girl if thy wanna go out with them. Well this is the same situation so ask me fake out." My cheeks turn a deep red. I have to fake ask her out. well this is not how this was supposed to go.

" Uhm. uh. okay then. " I clear my throat. I got a good idea. I take her hand and kneel on one knee.  " Oh Minty, the love of my life, my sunshine, my moon and stars, will you do me the honor of being my fake girlfriend until my father leaves back for Korea?" I ask all prince charming like.

"Geezum I said ask me out, not a proposal. But I'd be delighted my wonderful knight in shining armor. " I stand up and throw my arm around her.

"cool." The phone then rings. I look at the caller ID. It' my dad. " It's my dad." I whisper to minty before answering the phone.

G- Me


G- hello?

D- hello Jordan. I am getting off my plane right now. Is your mother home?

G- uh no she just left for work. So you're coming today?

D- Yes. Now Make sure everything is ready for me by the time I get there. If anything is wrong or out of shape. You know what will happen.

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