Chapter 17

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He closed and locked the door with him on the other side. There, he broke off the lock. I tried to open the door but it was useless. I banged on the door a few times.

"Let me out!"

"We leave tomorrow morning!" I heard him yell on the other side. I cover my mouth. Was my own dad kidnapping me, and imprisoning me in my own house? I backed away from the door slowly and leaned against the wall closest to me . I cried the rest of the night. I was trapped. And no one is there for me. I buried my face in my knees and tried to comfort myself but nothing worked. WHY! WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN TO ME?!

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Glitch's POV ( FINALLY!!! I KNOW RIGHT?!!!!) 

Something was wrong. I peeked into the room as I heard yelling and crying. I saw that Mr. Ramos was pulling Aminta by the arm, forcefully out my door. I began walking into the room full of fury but my mother caught my arm. 

"No Glitch. That is their own problem. " 

"So you're just going to sit back and watch this happen to her? No. I've seen enough already. No more mom. She's gone through enough pain and suffering! She doesn't deserve it!" I yelled at her. At first she looked stunned and shocked that I raised my voice. A tear dripped down her cheek. 

"I know Glitch. I want the best for her too. And I believe that it's with her father. Whether she likes it or not."  I slowly backed away from her. Tears forming from all the anger bottling up inside me. I tried to say it calmly. I looked away from her. 

"If you think that..." I took a deep breath in. " Then you're not my mom." I clenched my fists as I bolted to my room and began packing a bag. I had some extra clothes for Aminta she left here before. I put all my mostly needed clothes in a big black backpack and a smaller bag for Aminta. I getting her out of there. 


Aminta's POV 

Tears poured down my face like a never ending river. I covered my face. I cried and I cried. This is NOT okay! Not okay! Where's May? Where's Glitch? Where are they? Did my father threaten them to not get me? All these thought fill my head.  Maybe they never loved me. Maybe they were faking it all along! They probably never even liked me or wanted me! I just want my mom back! I JUST WANT MY LIFE BACK!  I stood up and ran to my room , sobbing loudly. I ran to my room and opened my crafts drawer to find my push pins. I took them all and spilled them due to my shaky hands. I started screaming. 

"No! NO!" The pain in my heart was nothing compared to me, losing my mom. This was worse. This hurt worse. I have NO ONE! I grabbed the push pins off the ground , which took time due to my blurry vision. Tears falling off my face and leaving a huge puddle around me. I took a pin and began to push it into my skin. I hesitated. I don't want to do it. I don't want to. I desperately, tried to pull my hand away. my hand became more shaky as tears kept falling. Soon enough I gave in and dropped the pins and banged my hands on the carpeted floor, my hands in fists that my hands are becoming purple. Screaming, pounding on the ground, Crying. Nothing is making this pain go away. Not for a second. Not at all. I began throwing myself around. I threw my body against the wall which left a dent. I threw my blanket on the ground. I landed on my bed. My head falling onto my pillow. I cried without any air coming back into my lungs. 

After a few hours of crying non-stop. It finally began to slow down. Maybe because i'm out of tears. I look out the window and see that it's dark. I wiped my eyes. Now I'm hungry. But I don't want to eat anything. Or drink anything. I look at my clock.  12:58 am  I've been crying all day, and I'm not even tired. I opened my window and just hoped that my father was asleep by now. I opened the screen and walked onto the roof. It always makes me feel better, but I wanted to be silent because I don't know how good my dad's hearing is. I haven't seen him in 9 years. I crept onto my sitting place on my roof and sat there, hugging my knees. I looked over to May's house. Glitch's light was still on. Why is he still up? He hasn't done anything to help me. Well I mean. I wouldn't help me if I knew I had an army dude to fight against. But I'd at least try. I felt the cool night air blow my hair. I then look over to Glitch bedroom window and see it open. I then see a dark figure crawl out of it . I squint my eyes but they're still blurry from crying earlier.  I think It's Glitch. I stand up. He slides down his rood and jumps onto a side tree and climbs down it. Now that he's  closer, I can see he has two bags. He walks towards the fence to the far end of my house where I am. Once he creeps against it I walk over closer to him. 

"What are you doing?" I whisper. My voice cracked from not talking for a while. 

"Getting out of here! You with me?" My heart melted. he did care about me. I nodded my head as I crept back into my room and gave him a one second hand motion. He nodded as I grabbed a backpack as I started packing my clothes I need, hair supplies, all my emergency cash, and my phone and charger. I closed my bag and wrote a note and left it on my desk. 

Dear whoever is reading this, 

I am running away. I am not going where my dad is going. I am staying where I need to stay. Do not put up missing child notices because I'm not missing. This was my choice. I hope you have a nice life. 

-Aminta Ramos

 I put it on my desk as I went back onto my roof. I sat on the edge. Unfortunately, I don't have a tree anywhere by me. 

"How am I supposed to get down?" I whisper. It isn't that far of a jump but enough to at least get a sprained ankle. 

"Jump. I'll catch you!" He puts the bags down he's hold and hold out his arms. I nod as I throw down my bag. he catches it without a sound. "ready?" He whispers. I nod. I try to keep enough resistance for the fall. But before I know it I'm on the ground . He took my hand. "We gotta run. Your dad is still on the porch, but he's sleeping. I put my bag on my back and a bag Glitch packed for me as we crept alongside the fence and began sprinting up the street towards the city. The safest place we have left. 

Aminta and Glitch

The runaways 

A/N: Oh MAI GAWD!!!! HAI! I hope you guys saw this coming! Or not then YAY! But yeah I didn't want her to hurt herself but I am sorry these chapters are so sad. But I just need to have these few chapters. there will be a few. Srry!!!! I am very good at making these realistic because I've been through those times. Maybe not the same situation but I have confronted those feelings. Sorry Guys! Just vented on accident.  

Srry this chapter is so short too!


<3 Cupecake78

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