Chapter 25

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Quianna's POV (OHHHHHHHH I know you didn't see that coming)

She makes me so angry, I want to cry in a corner like I do everyday. It's people like her that completely destroy my entire life. I was so close to ruling the school until she had to come in and take over. Rebel this and rebel that! Ugh. Makes me sick. And then I did that to Glitch. It wasn't any bad intention. All I wanted was to be #1 again. To be all people talk about all the time. To be the person everyone adores. But she ruined it. I was honestly going to confess to her about where I got that stuff from. It will only make his body numb for a week which is the perfect amount of time to loose enough practice time for me to take over the showcase coming up and be the star. I can't believe my parents didn't let me be the star. I guess the only reason for that is because they wanted to go soft and they didn't want to show their favoritism. It still isn't fair. Though I still feel very guilty about what I did. This random guy came up to me saying if I hurt Glitch. It would make the girl leave. It sounded nice at first but now that I did it, i feel guilty. Why? Why did I even do that? See what power does to you? And strangers! I sighed as I kicked the sand. My mom and dad came running out which just made me feel worse. They ran towards me. Don't cry Qui-Qui. Don't do it. They'll figure you out if you do.

"Quianna. Are you okay?" My mom placed her hand on my shoulder. I started balling my eyes out.

"It's all my fault. It's all my fault! I did it! It was all my fault!"

"Quianna. What are you talking about?" my dad had his strict voice in check today which I grew not so fond of.

"It's all my fault. I injected the needle in his stomach." Tears were pouring down my face as my mom wrapped her arms around me and pulled me close to her.

"Shh. it's okay. It's okay. We'll figure this out. Let's go home so you can explain this to us. Right away." I sniffled and nodded my head as I lowered my head. We walked to the car and started to drive home. I rubbed my nose. What have I done?

Aminta's POV

I sat on the subway extremely impatient. I kept tapping my foot and walked around the cart every 10 seconds. When I sat back down, i tapped my fingers on my lap. I couldn't sit still. This is supposed to be a 5 minute ride. And yet it feels like 2 hours. The subway finally came to a stop. I pushed everyone out of the way and sprinted out of there like I stole something. I ran up the stairs onto the street and saw the Hospital right across the street. I was tempted to just run across the cars but I knew that it wouldn't do me any good. If anything, I could end up in the room next to Glitch in a full body cast. I ran up to the cross walk and hit the button a million times before it changed. I charged across the street and straight into the hospital. I ran up ot the front desk.

"Jordan Chan. Is he here yet?" They looked at me like I was crazy. Then, she took her sweet old time to look up his name. I tapped my fingers after a few seconds on the desk hoping she'd get the hint to speed up the process.

"Ah. yes. Level 4, room 561."

"Thanks!" I ran to the stairs and started sprinting up them. I got to level 4 and looked down the hallway. They started at 520. I started speed walking down the hallway. 540.........552.....556.....560... 561. I looked in the window, making sure I wasn't disturbing a surgery on him or anything like that. I saw May in there and I opened the door. She looked at me. Her eyes were all red and puffy. She was holding Glitch's hand. She smiled at me and gestured me forward. I looked at Glitch as I stepped forward. He was staring at me with a stupid grin on his face. I smiled as I walked up to him. I knelt down to level up with his face.

"Are you o-" I already started getting choked up. Tears spilled from my eyes. I bit my lips so I wouldn't make a sobbing sound.

"Come here." His voice was groggy as he held his arms out for me. I wanted to crush him but I knew his stomach was a sensitive spot at that moment. I gently wrapped my arms around him and started to sob. He patted my head. "It's okay. It's alright."

"I'm just glad you're okay."

"Yeah. I'll be fine. I promise." I let go of him and looked at him with hopeful eyes.

"Are you sure? Because we have a showcase in 2 weeks."

"Well. I don't know about that." I closed my mouth and opened my eyes wider.

"W-w-what do you mean?"

"Minty. I don't want you to get upset."

"No. No we are going to deal with this right now. What's going on?"


"Now." I narrowed my eyes at him to make sure he knew I was being serious. He sighed.

"The drug that Quianna injected in my stomach is close to fatal. Luckily it didn't get into my bloodstream..... but I.... I'm going to be paralyzed for a month." I brought my hand to my heart and grabbed my shirt, trying to contain myself from punching something.

"Paralyzed?" I asked. Tears brimmed my eyes.

"Aminta. I-I don't know. I'm just as upset as you are."

"No. This was for my mom. This was for us. Sh-she took it all away from me." I muttered to myself. I kept my eyes glued to the ground and didn't dare to look up otherwise I'd scream at Glitch. Or cry. I'd rather go with neither. I turned around and headed for the door.

"Aminta. Please don't leave me here...... You already left me once." I stopped and looked up. A tear streamed down my cheek. I turned around and stomped over to Glitch and raised my hand.

"I'd slap you if you weren't sick." I fell to my knees and covered my face. I sobbed out loud.

"Aminta." I ran out of the room. "Aminta Wait!" I closed the door and slid my back down it. Why? Why do these types of things always happen to me? I continued to sob in the hallway.




it's issy back with the newest chapter of i pinkie promise.

I really hope you guys are okay with me being gone for so long

forgive mehh!!!!

<3 forever


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