Chapter 16

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"AMINTA!" I hear glitch calling me. He runs up the hill and sees me standing in shock. "Aminta." He runs to me and gives me a big embrace. He doesn't say anything after. He just hugs me. I hug him back tighter. "I'm sorry." I begin to cry again. Man I'm such a crybaby. We release the hug as he asks me. "Are you okay?" I sniff before replying.

"Yeah. let's go back home. " I wipe my tears with my sleeve and head back to the house, to properly greet my NOT dead daddy. 


Aminta's POV 

We walk back to the house in silence . Once I get to the door, I hesitate to open it. No! Aminta, remember what your mom said. I took a deep breath in before turning the knob and opening the door. I put my head down, not wanting to look at anyone. 

"Aminta! Are you okay sweetheart?" May hugs me. I hug her back and give her a small smile. 

"Yeah. I'm okay. I think." I release the hug as my dad takes off his hat. I take another breath before walking over to him. I keep my head down, embarrassed to make eye contact. "Hi." I say softly. I get no reply. I could feel his eyes just watching me. I hear him shuffle a few step as I see his hat drop to the floor and see him get down onto his knees. I keep my head down until two big arms, covered in camouflage clothing wrap around me. I felt a huge lump in my throat before feeling tears fall down my face as I hug him back.  I begin to sob into his shoulder. I heard May and Glitch leave the room. I heard soft weeps coming from my dad's mouth. 

"I missed you so much Aminta. And I love you so much. I'm sorry." I could hear his voice crack every few words. I hugged him tighter. "I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry." I cried even harder at his words. 

"No. It-it's okay."I cry. I fall to my knees as we both crouch down into a hug. "I missed you so much!" WE cried for what seemed like forever until my sobbing went down into a sniff. I wiped my eyes and looked at my dad. "Why did you leave?" We sat on the floor. 

"Because they told me too. I had no choice."

"But it's your life. Of course you had a choice. this is a free country now. this isn't then. " 

"I know , but most of the men from the war already died. They needed more so I needed to step in to keep our country a free place. "

"oh" my voice trailed off. We sat in silence for a few seconds. "Are you going to leave again?" I felt tears brimming my eyes, because i was preparing myself for the yes I was expecting.

"No. no no. I will never leave again. The only reason I came back was because I retired so I can stay with you. Once I heard your mom pasted. I quickly left the place to come and get you. I didn't want you in any type of orphan home because you still have a parent who loves you very very much and you don't deserve that. " I began to process what he said. 

"Wait. Come and get me? I'm not going anywhere. We can still keep the house. Everything is perfect here." I stood up. I wasn't going anywhere. He placed his hand on my shoulder. 

"Well honey. we aren't going to live here anymore. You are coming to Arkansas with me. We are going to live there. It only 13 states away. You'll be fine. You can make new friends and have a great , fresh start there. "  I shook his hand off. 

"n-no. If we are going away from here, then you have to go without me!"

"No. and that's final. You are coming with me whether you want to or not!" He began to raise his voice. 

"I . said. NO! I'm staying here. This is where my REAL family is. You know, the one that was actually here through my childhood! The ones who didn't lie about dying! The ones who took care of me and LOVE ME! The ones who made me smile on a rainy day, and when I was sad, and when mom died. THEY were there for me! YOU WERE NEVER THERE! And you never will be!" I yelled. He looked at me shocked for a second before narrowing his eyes. He grabbed my arm and tightened his grip.

"YOU! Are not the parent! And since you don't have anyone else but ME, Legally, I OWN YOU! So You are coming with me whether you LIKE IT or NOT!" I felt like crying but I was too scared to do anything. his grip on my arm was too tight and may be cutting off my circulation. "We are leaving. RIGHT NOW!" He began pulling me to the front door. 

"Wait! Wait! I need to say good bye to-" He stopped and turned around to look down at me. 

"Right NOW!" I flinched as he raised his other hand. He put it down as he opened the front door and shoved me hard enough for me to trip and fall onto the cement and get a few scrapes. Tears were pouring down my face. He slammed the front door and grabbed my arm again. "GET UP! NOW!" He almost pulled my arm to hard as pain shot through it. I yelped before quickly closing my mouth. He pulled me quickly into my house and shoved me in. He closed and locked the door with him on the other side. There, he broke off the lock. I tried to open the door but it was useless. I banged on the door a few times. 

"Let me out!" 

"We leave tomorrow morning!" I heard him yell on the other side. I cover my mouth. Was my own dad kidnapping me, and imprisoning me in my own house? I backed away from the door slowly and leaned against the wall closest to me . I cried the rest of the night. I was trapped. And no one is there for me. I buried my face in my knees and tried to comfort myself but nothing worked. WHY! WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN TO ME?!

A/N: OOOO!!!!  A cliffhanger. Looks like daddy wasn't all you expected huh?! Sorry i'm making this story so sad! IDK WHY! I just got the vibe for it. Like I pinkie promise never to leave you. idk OMG! WHY AM I GIVING AWAY HINTS TO THE STORY! The story is coming close to the end maybe 7-14 more chapters. Now 14 may sound like a lot but it really isnt. although it may not even be that many! But anyways. 



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