A Lie

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- Arrival in the hospital -

"Why are we here? Is this their house, Min Byul noona?" Chen asked.

(Note: you are asleep)

"No it's not. Her grandfather is confined here." Unni replied

Xiumin was about to ask something but you woke up.

"I'm sorry. I fell asleep. Oh. we're here." you said. Getting off the car.

"Thank you Mr. Han, Min Byul unni and to all of the members of EXO. Nice to meet you everyone." then you bowed and gave a smile.

"Noona!" you little brother shouted.

You turn around and saw him running towards you. Then you look back to them again.

"Thank you again." you smiled and bowed. Then you went to approach your brother.

You kneeled down.

"Wae? What's wrong little?" you said with concern.

Their car went off already. But inside thr car the boys were looking behind to see both of you.

" Where have you been? You go home late already. I am always worried about you." he exclaimed

"I'm terribly sorry." and you hugged him then went inside.

- In the room -

You bowed to your grandparents.

"Have you eaten dinner Lady?" Lala asked

"Yes Lala. How about you and Lulu?"

"We already ate dear." Lulu replied

You sat in the sofa with Lee.

"Lulu... Lala..."

"Yes?" they both replied

"M-My classmate told me that I could stay in their house. And I got a scholarship so you won't be paying tuition anymore. I can stay there so that we cannot pay for fares anymore since its close to our school. But is it okay with you?" you said nervously

They both looked at each other, even Lee looked at you.

Lulu sighed.

"Fine. But contact us. You have that old phone for you to contact us. I can contact ypu with that since I have my own. You must also visit us sometimes." Lulu replied

"YEEEESSSS! But Lee..."

"Its fine. I can fetch him" Lala said

You smile and went towards them to hugg.

"B-But... Are you really leaving me?" Lee said sadly

You looked at him and went beside him.

"Can you give me this favor? Please? Of course, noona ain't gonna leave you. I am just staying there. Maybe I won't stay long there cause I'm gonna miss you" you said and hugged him.

- Late at night -

Everyone on the room were asleep except for Lee and you noticed it.

"What's wrong? Can't sleep?" you whispered

"What are you hiding noona?" he asked

"What are you talking about?"

*Could he possibly know?

you thought

There is a story conected to my story. I will mention the title soon in my updates :)

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