Welcome Lee

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"Ya! Are you done decorating

there?" Kai asked

"Chill Kai." Kris said

"He's right. Stay clam" Suho added

"Besides, we're almost done." Chen said

"Fine. Is he upstairs already?" Kai asked

"I think so." Luhan replied

"Why won't we let the maid do this stuff?" Kris asked

"It won't be special anymore hyung." Sehun replied

"Exactly." Baekhyun inserted

"D.O, Tao and Chanyeol in the kitchen already?" Kai asked

"Yes." Xiumin answered

"Good. It must be perfect. My plan has to be perfect." Kai said



You rubbed your eyes and open them.

"Oh no. I overslept. Shoot! I have to prepare something. Its already noon and Unni's coming."

You hurriedly went inside the bathroom to take a bath and then to change your clothes. You combed your hair and bun it. Lastly, you put on your glasses.


Lay texted to Kai.

'She's up!'

"Guys. Prepare. She's already up" Kai told the others


As you open the door, Lay was there.

"O-Oh. Hi Lay" you said

"Morning." he replied

You smiled but you wonder why he's there.

"Lets go together downstairs." he continued

You nod. He followed you behind. The moment you were halfway the stairs, you notice it was dark.

"There's no electricity?" you asked

"I don't know" he answered

But you notice that there's light upstairs so you tried to search for the switch.

"L-Lay? W-Where are you? I-I'm scared."

The lights were on and...

"SURPRISE!" they boys shouted

"Oh my- All of you did this?" you asked as you look around the living room with decorations

"Yup." Chen replied

"You should've wake me up so I could help." you said

"Its okay." Kai said

"We haven't created the cake. You can help instead." Chanyeol blurted

"Really? Okay, Lets go."

You and D.O worked together since he's good at cooking. The assistants were Chanyeol an Tao. Who are no help at all. Chanyeol keeps disturbing you while Tao did nothing at all. And you haven't talked to D.O. Both of you work silently without saying anything to each other and the only one noisy was Chanyeol.

Finally its done. Everything is petfect.

Then there was a knock.

All of you looked at each other with excitement.

You opened the door.

"Lee-" it took you seconds to realize that it was a delivery boy with the ordered candles for the cake.

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