School for the Stars

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*Beep! Beep!*

Your alarm clock woke you up and then you turned it off.

You lazily walked to your bathroom to takr a bath. After that, you pick a yellow t-shirt with random designs, pants and converse rubber shoes. You took a sit facing your mirror. You wear your glasses, comb your hair and bun it.

"Okay. All ready!" you said to yourself

Outside your door is so noisy. You went out and saw the boys going downstairs, talking to each other.

You followed them since you were about to go down to eat breakfast.

Then all of you were seated.

You prayed and they again look at you.

After praying, you started eating and they also begin to eat.

"Ahm. Hee Mi..." Suho suddenly broke the silence with his question

"Yes?" you tilt up your head to look at him

"What did Min Byul noona mean last night?" he asked

"Ahh. That. She told me we'll process my papers for schooling and then we will meet the CEO of SM ENTERTAINMENT." you answered

"I see." he said with a smile

You gave him too.

Then, you heard a beeping car outside.

"Unni's here. I have to go. I'll go first." you stood up and bowed to them

"Okay! Take care." Luhan said smiling

You blushed.

"You too." and you smiled at him

You reach near the car. You opened the door and took a seat.

"Goodmorning!" Unni greeted

"Goodmorning Unni!" you greeted back

"Let's go." she said

You just nod.

- Arrival -

"We're here."

"Woah." you are so surprise that your eyes is full of exitement as you examine the external beauty of the school

"What's wrong?" she asked

"Its just. Woah!"

"Hahahaha. You look so ignorant." she laughs

"I am." you said still looking to the building

"Awesome. I never thought such thing exist." you added

She just look at you smiling before taking off.

You saw her so you got off too.

"This school is exclusive for people who entered show business. Therefore, the school is extremely strict with their rules. You know, its hard to manage thousand of stubborn and flamboyant celebrities." she said

"I get the point." you inserted

Both of you were walking towards the president's office while talking to each other.

"The schoolyear will end in a few weeks. So i suggest I'll enroll you next schoolyear. But you will be in senior high already. We have to process your papers. Oh. And by the way, your spending summer for your workshop." she continued

"What? Summer for workshop? Come on Unni." you said with a frown

"Stop making your eyebrows meet. We have no choice. An besides you signed the contract already. You can't backout."

"I won't but can I have 3 weeks with my brother?" you asked

" Fine. Since your workshop will start next month which is three weeks from now. However, he must stay in your house." she replied

"But my grandparents?"

" I'm sorry but I can only grant you one favor."


- Preaident's Office -

Unni knocked the door.

"Come in." a voice inside the room said

"Good day Mr. Goo. I'm Ms. Shin Min Byul and she's Jung Hee Mi"

"Anyeonghaseyo. Nice to meet you sir." then you bowed

"Oh, yes I was expecting you. Please take a seat." Mr. Goo replied

Unni and Mr. Goo talked while you remain seated without definitely knowing on what they are talking about. And Ms. Shin would present papers. Some are my files and information. Finally it was finish after I was ask to sign a certain paper.

"Thank you for your time Mr. Goo." Unni said

"Anytime. For clarifications, you can just approach my secretary." He replied

"Yes we will."

"Thank you again sir." you inserted

"I can't tour and orient you here since we still have a meeting with the CEO and besides, it will be next school year before you will enter this school." she said the moment you got out of the office


"Good. Lets go."

You nod

Please comment anything. Try to be constructive :) suggest, ask and support. Char.

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