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Thank you for the votes and everything! Happy 3000+ reads. I hope I can reach votes this many. I'll be making a new cover so probably it will be days before I can update. I'm not sure if this is long enough. Please VOTE!

For those who can help me create a new cover, my model's name is stated in the previous chap. Please, I need help. I'm not really good on editing. You probably already know what Jung Hee Mi looks like.

I'd like to dedicate this chapter to


thank you :)

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You didn't answer him because of headache. You held your forehead. Lay noticed it and signaled something to Chanyeol. He got the message and went closer to you. He removed your glasses, but you hold his wrist.

"Ya! Do you want it to happen again?" you manage to say.

"Shut up and close your eyes." he exclaimed.

"Its okay. Relax and close your eyes." you followed Lay and leaned before closing your eyes. Chanyeol removed your glasses. The pain lessen but not really gone.

"You manage two years?" Chanyeol asked while on the way.

"Yes. Sometimes I feel dizzy but not like this."

"It probably gotten worst." Lay commented and you nod.

"I wouldn't wonder if one day you'll be blind." Chanyeol snarled.

"I knew it!"

"Knew what?" you asked calmly.

"I knew you're not feeling well. I asked you but you keep denying. And I keep doubting it." you are taken aback by his sudden information.

Lee is a replica of your mother but his attitude resembles your father. While you are the replica of your father but your attitude resemble your mother. Lee and your father has this connection to you wherein they have clues on your wellbeing.

"As usual, I'm impressed." you complimented.

"Is he really seven years old?" Lay asked.

"I think the birth certificate got wrong and he's just originally small." you and Lay chuckled.

"No. I think we're both smart enough." Chanyeol inserted and Lee laughed.

"Right." Lee continued to chuckle.

"Jinja?" you laugh hard and finally opened your eyes. You are fine already. Maybe after laughing? Having fun? No idea.

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"You're fine?" Lay asked and you nod. Chanyeol handed to Lay your glasses and he gave it to you.

*Phone Rang*


"Hee Mi, are you done with the check-up?" its Min Byul unni.

"Ne unni."

"Chanyeol, Lay and Lee are there too?"

"mm. We're inside the car."

"Good. Drop by SM building. I have something to discuss to you."

"Only me?"

"Aniyo. All of you."

"Including ahjussi (driver)?"

"Just get going. I'll hang up"

"Ne. Anyeong!"

*End Phone Call*

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