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The day has finally come. Lee and the boys' most awaited day -Shoppinngg!

Wait. What? Boys shopping? No. its not like that. Boys malling. better.

"Lee, Hurry. They're waiting for you." you yelles from downstairs while Lee upstairs is still changing.

"Its okay. The mall isn't gonna run." Kai said and you just smiled.

The boys technically look like robbers. Wearing hats, jackets, sunglasses and some other disguises. They said to you that manager allowed them if they put on disguises which they have been doing for years. They also told you that you don't have to wear disguises since you're just starting (a trainee perhaps) and so that it won't be bothersome to you. But you know, sooner or later you'll have to put on disguises too.

"Sorry. Just worried." Kai smiled.

"Don't worry." Suho replied as you took a glance at Lay which was definitely not obvious.

"Okay." you smiled and saw the 5 persons who despise you smirking.

"Um. Who's driving?" you tried to look away from them and change the topic.

"Its Xuimin hyung, noonaa" Sehun hyperactively said.

Xiumin smirked again.

Sehun went near you and whispered something.

"Let me call you noona. Is it okay." he whispered politely.

"Sure." you answered with a smile. But as you look behind him, you saw Luhan glaring. *Gulp*

"Hee Mi-ah~!" Baekhyun called "Is it still obvious that I'm Baekhyun?"

You look at everyone. Surprisingly, no. You can never expect that its them..

"No. Clearly not." you said with a smile. But what surprised you more is Baekhyun's sudden hug.

"Thanks!" Baekhyun said as he hugged me. You were really surprise that you just patted his back.

"A-Anytime." there I saw Chanyeol glaring at you.

'Why does everyone loves to glare at me?'

ou thought.

- Mall -

Before all of you can enter, the guard had suspicions about the 12 because of their appearance. The boys decided that you should tell the guard the truth.

You all watched in the theater, eat and play. They even bought clothes, toys and other things for Lee. They wanted to buy you something but you insist. They say it can be clothes or anything you want to buy but you really don't want to buy any. Except for..

"Ice cream!" I shouted as I saw a Ice cream stall. You may not notice it, but they looked at you surprise. "She loves it." Lee said in your place to fill them in. You pleaded to them that they'll buy ice cream too. And what can they oppose? Who would decline ice cream?

"Its nice too see you like this Hee Mi- ah ~" Suho said which made you a little confuse. "What do you mean Leader?"

"Nothing." He smiled. Sehun went towards you and hang his arms around your shoulders. "Noona." he called and I looked at him. "Yes?" you asked while eating your ice cream.

"Why do you like ice cream?" he asked that made you think. "Hmm. Don't know. Maybe the reason is because its super duper delicious." you said with a smile.

"Noona. Ask me why I like ice cream too." he demanded sweetly. "You do?" you asked playfully. "Noonaa!" he shrugged. "Okay, okay. Why Sehun-ah?"

"Because you like it." He said shyly. Of course you blushed. "I guess that makes us two." you grinned. Again, out of nowhere, Luhan's glare is found.

'What is definitely wrong with him?' you thought.

"Count us in." Suho exclaimed. You looked at the 5 boys. They're not really pleased, but they didn't protest. "Does that make us 13?" it was more or like a question not a sentence.

You notice a small boy keeping himself isolated. "Wait. We lack one person." you said that made him look up because he's been staring on his shoes the whole time. You walk towards him and bend down.

"Of course, a little man likes ice cream. Am I right?" and he nodded.

"That makes us 14" Lay announced. You are really happy. Maybe because of the ice cream or it was because its Lay who mentioned it.

"We have to go." Xiumin said. And Suho just nod. He look at you as if he asked if its okay so you nodded to assure him.

On your way to the parking lot, the crowd is bursting. They were blocking the way. Then, you heard one girl mentioned 'EXO' with such thrill. My eyes rounded in fear. But you think the boys didn't know or hear it. So you have to be calm or they might panic. The fans probably knew already.

"Chanyeol." you called which was like a whisper because you had to be cautious.

"What? Why are you whispering?" He asked. "Please keep an eye on Lee and don't EVER let go of him." you demanded. Then you called Suho."Leader?". "Yes?" he asked. "Please let them all in the car. Right now." you think you got his point because he nodded.

You were the last to enter the car. "Please count." Then they did. "Thirteen..." you said since you're the last. "We lack one!" Xiumin said. "Luhan-ssi is not here" Sehun said worriedly.

"I'll be back. All of you, stay here." you were about to go when someon grabbed your wrist. "No. Its too risky. Let me go instead." Kai said as he took a glance at Suho.

"No Kai. If you go, its worst than risky. They still don't recognize me. I promise I can bring Luhan back. Whatever it takes, I have to bring him back. Just stay here. Only me can do this." I said as I pull off his hand softly. "Promise." Then I ran.

You think the best way to search for him is where crowd is abundant. And its...

Right there.

Too many crowd that you had to insert between fans. And you're in good guess. Bet the odds are in your favor. He's there standing smiling to the fans. But as you stare at his eyes, you can feel he wants to leave.

Fans taking pictures everywhere. You looked down and saw Luhan's disguises scattered on the floor. You can clearly imagine what happened and how he's probably horrified.

Luhan was handed by a fan a notebook for autograph. Luhan was hesitant at first but he was about to accept it when you grab his wrist. You pulled him and walk away with him. You may not see it but tou can feel he's relieved you came back for him. And he followed you even though you pulled him.

"Ya! Who was that ugly girl?!" Fans exlaimed angrily.

'I heard that.' you thought.

Anyeong. I'm sorry if I update fast lately. I had to update chapters of my two other stories.

I have a bad announcement. This week and probably next week too, is pressuring me. Final exams is yet to come. Very soon. We have to pass requirements and the pressure starts today. I just want to update so you would know. But don't worry. If there's a day within this week that I'll be free, I will make a draft and post it the day after. Sorry for the inconvinience. Please understand. I'll do my best. FIGHTING! Please vote and read my other stories.

By the way, I can't edit and correct mistakes of my chapter lately so please forgive me for my mistakes.

I hope this is a long chapter.


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