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I'd like to change some things here. Its kinda new but easy.
Third POV

Chanyeol screamed for your name in the cold breeze of the shore, running the entire place. Its getting dark and the sun is going down. The panaromic place is breathtaking unless you're there looking for someone.
Chanyeol's phone rang.

Suho: found her?
Chanyeol: Not yet.
Sehun: but its getting dark. Both of you won't be safe anymore.
Chanyeol: Gwenchana. I know I'll be able to find her.
Baekhyun: don't worry. We'll look for her here and the others stayed at home waiting for her.
Chanyeol: arraso.

Then as Chanyeol looks toward the cliff by the shore, he saw a key chain same as the gift she recieved from our staff that she hanged on her phone.

Chanyeol: I-I...
Min Byul:What's wrong?
Xiumin: are you okay?
Chanyeol: I think I found her.

And the line was cut off.

I visited this account to delete it, but as I saw comments and msgs, I wasn't able to do it. This is not edited. Definitely. Till we meet again readers!

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