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A/N: Hey everyone. Exam is starting three days from now. I am not supposed to update but study instead. But I really thought you've been waiting enough. I'm sorry. But after the exams, I think I'll be finishing this story. I hope I can really do it this holiday. Oh, and advance Merry Christmas! Saranghae <3


They approached you, Bannie and Unni. They bowed as they greeted both of them. As they turn to look at you, they just smiled and bowed.

'Whatiswrongwiththem?' you thought as you smiled back and bowed to them making your curled hair fall gently to your face. You notice Chen went closer to Unni and whispered something. You can say Chen is definitely not good at whispering since you were able to clearly hear what he was trying to say to her.

"Noona... who is she?" Min Byul unni chuckle. It was like a laugh but she tries to compose herself. Even Bannie heard it and laughed. "Guys." she let out one last chuckle and continues " Its Hee Mi." You seriously want to laugh at their expressions.

"Seriously.  Am I that ugly?" you laughed. The size of their eyes are like D.O's  wide eyes and it looks like it is about to pop out with their jaws dropped on the ground.

They are definitely scanning you from head to toe. From your earthly, flowery crown which is on top of your perfectly curled hair to your white tube dress that flows to your knee level and finally to your peach heels. Of course it makes you conscious. Its uncomfortable seeing them looking at you like that.

"Uhm.." you said trying to break their gaze. "Where's Lee?" they started to look straight to your eyes which makes you feel and look more uncomfortable. "Ugh... He's with Chanyeol. Lee wanted to eat cotton candy and he volunteered to be his chaperone." Suho replied with admiration.

"Of course with some bodyguards." Lay added. "And a disguise." Kris inserted.

You blushed. Really. Its like making 11 handsome boys speechless and droll over you. And the fact that your secret crush, Lay, is one of the persons who's amaze by your sudden magical beauty.

"Oh." was all you said trying to hide the blush.

"Noona! Is that really you?" Sehun asked checking you into circles. "Ne."

"Sehun-ah is being manly~!" Kai teased and the boys laughed. You let out a chuckle.

" I didn't expect you to look... different. You know, with just two eyes." Xiumin commented. Xuimin and you are getting along little by little somehow.

" I like that glittery eyeliner you have Hee Mi-ah!" Baekhyun said jealously.  He scan your eyes while holding your shoulders. You laughed and closed your eyes as he continue to droll over your eyeliner. Everyone are somehow stiff. Still looking at you. Trying to sink in the whole situation. But not long later, they came back to their senses. However, even in distance, Baekhyun still stares at your eyeliner. All of you are seating in the couch. There's two big black sofa, so all of you would surely fit in as you take your breaks.

"Check it out Lee." all of you turned around to see who owns the voice "Chanyeol."

"Noona?" A little boy with a cotton candy jogged forward leaving a few distance to Chanyeol who has been carrying a bunch of cotton candy. Obviously, its evident in his tone that he's having a doubt if its you or not. "Lee..."

You pouted as soon as you realized he's doubting if its you. His face fills with enlightenment and started running to your direction. You kneeled down to meet him with a hug and he hug you back. He released to the hug with admiration. "You look... beautiful."

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