Dream come true

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I came back from Australia after a business trip and came directly to my office. I really want to meet Susi but she must be in her college so I can't meet her yet.

As soon as I entered my cabin I saw my childhood best friend and also my crush's protective elder brother not to forget my twin sister's fiance, Travis sitting on the couch waiting for me.

"Hey bro!"I said to him and he looked up from his laptop.
"Hi!"he said standing up and we both bumped our fists which we always do whenever we meet.

"So, Vis..."I was saying when he said,"No one calls me that other than my baby sis and I let you go since you are my childhood best friend and also my fiance's brother." glaring at me.

That's true. He really can do damage to one's face only for calling him Vis.

"Ok. Calm down. I was just teasing you."I said and put my hands to surrender.
He smiled.

"So, why are you here? Is there something wrong, Vik?"I said. My friend comes to visit me but not come here and wait for me to return from a business trip. So, I was curious about his unusual appreance.

He looked at me nervously and sighed.
"What do you think about Sus?"he asked me looking at me seriously.

I looked at him shocked. Why is he asking me such question? Did he realised that I love his sister? I don't know what he will do now? I am tensed, he is my best friend and also my childhood friend.

"What do you mean? I think of her as your sister. What else will I think?"I said trying to be funny and laughed.

But he didn't. He just looked at me seriously.
"What do you think about her not including that she is my sister?"he asked me being more specific.

"Why? Are you saying you don't want her as your sister? Why?"I said trying to sound both shocked and funny. I just want to avoid this question and also this awkward feeking.

He sighed seeing I am being stubborn.
"I always heard the rumours of you being in love with a girl, is it true? Are you still in love with her?"he changed the question.

Now, these questions are more awkward. Every time a girl asked me out or my friends try to set me up with some girl or ask me why I don't get myself a girlfriend, I used to tell them that I already love a girl but I can't ask her out now, which is actually true. So, the rumours were always around about me being in love and if I even talk to a girl there will be a rumour of her being the girl I love but no one ever knew who the girl was.

And as for my friend Travis, he never asked me as he thought that I just said that to avoid them. He thought that if I ever fall in love he will be the first one I will go to as he is my best friend. So, he never asked me about those rumours.

I really wanted to go to him when I realised that I have a crush on Susan but he was her over protective brother so I didn't go to him or anyone else not even my sister knows.

I instantly knew when Travis fell for my sis, he was so easy to read. Everyone knew about him being in love with Grace. It was me and Susan who urged him confess to Grace. How I always hope that he will read my eyes and help set me up with his sister but that never happened and now all these sudden questions is making me nervous.

"What are you talking about?"I asked laughing.

"Sorry for being so weird today. The thing is that in a few months Sus will graduate and after that I will get married to Grace. I don't know I just feel that I won't be able to give her the attention I have always given her so I thought that if I find a perfect guy for her who will love her and take care of her then I won't be worried and she will be happy too. When I thought about it the only capable person that came to my mind was you. Will you do me a favour and accept my baby sis as your love?"he said and looking directly in my eyes.

Did I hear it right? Did he really said he wants me to be with his sister? Did he really say that he wants me and Susan to be together forever? I must be dreaming I guess.

I just nodded my head shocked and speechless.

"Really!! I am so relived now. But I don't want to force her to be in a relationship with you so you have to make her fall in love with you."he said thinking.
"Ok."I said and smiled.

It's really a dream come true. I am so happy thay I can't even control my happiness. I just want to hug Susi now.

"I am giving you a piece of my heart don't ever hurt her because then I will forget that you are my best friend. And one more thing, if those rumours are true even a slightest then forget that girl if you decide to be with my sister."he warned me.
"I can never hurt her and you know that. She has always been my friend and I care about her, I can never even think about hurting her. I promise you that I will always keep her happy."I said seriously looking in his eyes. And also I love her and only her.
He nodded.

"Ok. Then I will be going. I have work to do."he said and went to the couch to take his laptop when the door opened and Susi came in calling "Mickey" and ran into my arms and hugged me tightly.

Am I dreaming or is this real too. Is Susi really hugging me?
I inhaled deeply her sweet perfume filling my nostrils. Oh god!!!!! Susi is really hugging me.

At first I was so surprised and shocked that I didn't hug her but then I hugged her like I usually do.

What I always wanted I have now. Travis gave me permission. And Susi ran into my arms.

"I missed you."she whispered and I chuckled. I am so happy today.

Someone cleared his throat. I didn't realise that Travis was here too.

She broke the hug and looked at the person. I can see how much shocked and embarrassed she is. I was so nervous too that Travis will say something like, I never knew you two were so close or stuff like that but he didn't say anything and I am so glad for that.

I held Susi's hand, I know she is so embarrassed that she will just run away but I don't want her to leave. I met her after a whole week and I just want to look at her beautiful face now so, I looked at Travis and said,"We will talk later. My favourite person is here."

He nod at me signalling me to remember whatever he said before and I too nodded my head understanding the unspoken words. We both have been friends all our life so we understand each other just by these small signals, but I don't understand why don't he realise that I love his sister, maybe because he loves Susi more. Then he went out closing the door behind him.

I looked at Susi. I can see her nervousness. I guess something is wrong and seeing the way she came running into my arms there is something strange.

I said in a teasing way,"So Susi, what's the matter? You come running into my arms when there is a problem and you can't involve your brother or my sis. What's its this time?"

She bit her lower lip looking at me, there is something and I am sure about it now. I just smiled encouraging her to say whatever she wanted to.

Then she just blurted out,"A guy asked me out and I said yes."

First I didn't understand what she said then I played the words in my head...guy...asked out...said yes...

My eyes grew wide with shock. How can someone ask her out? Travis and I made sure no one ever ask her out. We both scared every guy who even dared to talk to her. But, how can she say yes? Why did she want to go out with any guy after what happened last time she agreed to? If she wants she could have said that to me.
I am hurt and angry, so angry that I just want to go and beat that guy to pulps.

At last Michael's dreams were coming true but then Susan told him about her getting a boyfriend. What will he do when she will ask him to help her out to go on dates with her boyfriend?

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