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We sat in his car.
He blindfolded me with a black colour silk blindfold.
"What's this for?"I asked him.
"So that you don't see it before I tell you too."He wishpered into my ear.
My ear tickled and I blushed.
He started the engine and the car started moving.
I don't know where we are going or for how many minutes or hours we have been driving because of the music that was playing inside the car and he talked occasionally about his work and Ace to keep me busy.

Suddenly, the car came to a halt.
"We are here!"He said.
"Can I remove this?"I asked him curious to see where we are.
"Not now."he said.
I heard him opening his door, getting out and then closing it. Then he opened my door.
"Here. Hold my hand."he said holding my hand.
I stepped out of the car and he helped me walk to my awaiting surprise.
I feel like my heals are stepping on sand.
"Are we at a beach?"I asked him.
"Just wait and see."he said. I know he is smiling.
"Wait here."He whispered into my ear and then left my hand and walked away.
After few minutes, I felt his hand on my shoulders.
"Ready for the surprise?"He whispered into my ear.
I nodded.
He opened my blindfold.
"Open your eyes."He whispered.
I slowly opened my eyes.

I saw the whole beach is decorated with lights. I looked around surprised. It's beautiful!!! So so beautiful!!!
"How's it?"he asked nervously.
I turned to look at him, I didn't realise that I have walked few steps away from him. I just ran to give him a tight hug.
He chuckled.
"I will take it as a compliment that you loved it."he said and chuckled again.
"Thank you!!! It''s so beautiful!!! Did you do all these for me?"I asked him.
"Who else is so important in my life other than you?"he said giving me his best smile.
I hugged him again. Why does he love me this much?
"This is the best surprise gift ever!!!"I said looking around.
"This is just the beginning of the surprise."he said.
My eyes grew wide.
Just the beginning? Then what else did he arrange for me?

"You must be hungry. Come, let's eat."he said taking my hand.
We walked a little and I realised that this is his beach house. He has decorated the whole beach with lights. I saw where he was taking me. There was a table with food bowls arranged on it along with two chairs.
I looked at him but he just walked ahead smiling.
"Sit."he said and took out my chair for me. And then he sat opposite to me.
"I didn't cook the food because of lack of time. But, it's from your favourite restaurant."he said.
"From that restaurant that you took me to?"I asked excited.
He nodded smiling.
I hurried opened the lids of the bowls.
"It looks so yummy!!"I said.
He chuckled and then stood up.
"I will serve."I said getting up.
"No. It's your gift so you only have to enjoy it."he said making me sit down.
He served us both and then sat down in his chair.
I dig in the food.
"Yummy!!! It's so delicious!!"I said taking more bites.
He chuckled.
"I knew you would say that."he said and chuckled again.
I smiled.

"I am so full."I said as I kept my fork down.
"I will be back."He said getting up form his seat and went to a table set  nearby.
A romantic music started playing.
He came back and stood near me.
"Can I have a dance?"he asked with his hand forward.
"Sure."I said and put my hand in his smiling.
I got up and he walked me few steps and then stopped.
He put his hands on my waist and I put my hands on his shoulders and started swaying to the music. Mickey started humming along with it.
We danced for some time when he suddenly stopped.
I looked at him.
He smiled and put his hands on my shoulders.
"Your graduation gift."he said smiling.
I looked down and saw a chain with a beautiful heart shaped pendant in my neck.
"It's beautiful!"I said staring at it.
"Not as beautiful as someone I know."he said and I blushed. I looked at him and said,"Thank you."
He placed a kiss on my forehead.
"Thank you for giving me such a beautiful evening."he said and smiled.
We continued to look into each other eyes when the music suddenly came to an end.
"It's really beautiful starry night."He said looking above.
I too looked above and said,"Yes. It is."
"Want to look at the stars more?"he asked me.
My eyes brightened.
"Wait here."He said and went away somewhere.
The lights suddenly went off leaving only the lights of the moon and stars.
"Mickey!!"I called out.
"I am here."I heard him coming towards me.
"Come."He said taking my hand in his and walked me little near the shore but not too close.
He laid down a picnic mat and looked at me smiling.
We laid down on the mat and I put my head on his shoulder. He covered us with a blanket.
"It's really beautiful!"I said looking above.
"Yes."He said kissing my head.
"Look at that star! It's so bright!"I said excited.
He chuckled.
I moved my head to his chest and we laid there looking at the stars and the moon talking about anything and everything.

"Susi, wake up..."I heard a familiar voice.
"Mmm..."I said in a sleepy voice.
I heard him chuckle.
"I know you are still sleepy but if you don't wake up now then Vik will kill me."he said.
I sat up suddenly hearing my brother's name.
"What time is it?"I asked him.
"One in the night..."he said. My eyes grew wide.
Omg!!! Vis is going to make a really big fuss about it. He never let me stay outside after ten and it's one!!!
"Why didn't you wake me up before?"I asked him panicking.
"I too dozed off like you."He said scratching his neck and stood up.
I sighed.
"Let's hurry up!"I said. It will take us almost an hour to reach back with empty roads.
He held out his hand and I immediately took it. He helped me stand up and we both hurried towards his car.
We sat inside. And I noticed my cell phone lying in the dashboard.
Shoot!! I forgot it here!!
I took it and checked my phone while Mickey started the engine.
100 missed calls and 39 messages from Vis??!!! And 50 missed calls and 20 messages from my friends!!!!
I am a dead meat!!!!
I can try to explain my friends but how will I explain Vis...!!!!
"What happened? You look tensed."Mickey asked me worried.
"Nothing."I lied to him not wanting him to worry.
"Don't worry, I will talk to Vik."he said trying to assure me.
If he talks to Vis, I don't know what my brother will say to him...?? What if he talks rudely to Mickey???!!!!
"No! I can handle my brother. Just quickly drop me home and go back and rest."I said to him.
"But..."He was saying but I interrupted him,"Please..."
He nodded.

I hope that Vis is in good mood or atleast he doesn't get angry. I don't want their friendship to get affected because of me. I hope everything goes well.

Will Vis let this matter just go? If he doesn't then what will happen of Susi and Mickey?
I hope you all liked this chapter.😊

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