He can't leave me!!!!

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Where is Mickey? Didn't he say that he will be right here? He told me to wait here then how can he be late? He said he will be here in five minutes and since then ten minutes have passed and still no sign of him.
It was better to take a taxi back home than waiting for him here. And these shopping bags are so heavy!!

I am waiting outside the mall, on the roadside.
I looked at both left and right. He didn't even tell me where he is. Which side is he going to come from?

I will just call him once again.
I dialled his number, he picked up immediately.
"Where are you? Didn't you say five minutes and it's been thirteen minutes now. Where the hell are you???"I shouted into the phone.
"Right there. Baby, don't be mad. I am going to reach."he said trying to convince me.
"I am taking a cab. I am not going to wait for you, so, take your time. Oh, I have a better idea, go somewhere else!"I said folding my arms.
"Sunshine, don't be angry. I am just going to reach. I am driving at full speed."he pleaded.
"I don't want to talk to you. I am really angry on you. Just don't come."I said fuming.
"Love, look to the left side. I am coming for you."he said cheerfully.
"Whatever. You are late."I said.

I looked at the left side.
There he is!! At last, I can see his car coming! He is really going to get some shouting, to make me stand and wait here. I won't even talk to him.

"I can see your car. But, it's still far away."I said.
"Not for long."he said and hang up the call
I smiled. Even though I am mad, I know he will convince me easily.
I stood there folding my hands and making an angry expression.
Just then a high speed truck hit his car when he was about to reach. I stood there frozen. Mickey's car flew and flipped a few times before coming to a stop. The car is smashed severely. Mickey...Mickey!

People stopped there cars and got out to rush to Mickey's smashed car. Those who were walking, hurried towards his car to help him. I don't know what to do. I want to run to his side but my legs won't move.

"Someone call 911!"someone shouted.
"I already did."another one shouted.
"Someone help me get him out!"a guy shouted.
"Is he alive?"someone said from near me.
I can hear all these noises.
It's my Mickey they are talking about. No....no...no, that can't be. He said to wait and he is coming but....

"MICKEY!!!!"I shouted at the top of my lungs and ran through the crowds towards him.
Tears sliding down my cheeks.
I see him lying on the road, covered in blood. I went and sat down near him.
I put his head on my lap.
"Mickey! Open your eyes!"I said crying.
"Do you hear me? You can't do this to me! You can't leave me!"I shouted trying to wake him up.
"Mickey! Open your eyes. Please. I won't be mad even if I have to wait for hours together. Just open your eyes."I cried.

"Miss! Please let us do our work."someone said grabbing my arm. "Take the body away."he said and two men started lifting Mickey away.
"No, no, no! You can't take him away from me. He is going to wake up. It's not a body but Mickey...my Mickey."I said trying to free myself from his grip.
"Miss, he is not going to wake up. Come with me."he said tightening his grip.
"Liar. Don't say such ridiculous things. He will wake up. Mickey! Mickey!"I shouted at the top of my voice.
But, no one is listening to me. They are taking him away, my Mickey away in a bag.

"MICKEY!!!!"I shouted as I woke up.
I looked around me and blinked several times. This is...this is my room? I am still in my room. I touched my cheeks, it's wet from tears. It was...it was a dream? I looked at the time, it's two in the morning. It was really a dream!
Mickey! I have to call him, I want to hear his voice.

I took my phone from the bed side table and called his number. Tears still rushing out of my eyes.
Pick up! Pick up! He answered in the third ring.
"Hello!"he said sleepy.
"Mickey! Are you ok? Are you alright? You are fine, right?"I said crying.
"Yes, yes. I am. What's wrong? Susi, are you crying?"he asked me worried.
I didn't say anything just cried.
"Susi, stop crying, ok. Tell me what's wrong?"he asked me.
But, I know he is no longer sleeping.
"Mickey, you are really fine, right?"I asked him again as more tears came out of my eyes.
"Susi, stop crying, please. I am fine. Nothing happened to me. Why are you crying?"he asked me worried.
"You are fine."I said trying to suppress my cries.
Those flashes of dream coming to my mind and tears automatically coming out of my eyes.
I can't stop crying. I am so scared.
"Susi, open the door."he said.
"Door?"I asked confused.
"Your main door. I am standing here."he said.
I am alone at home since Vis is out on business trip and Maria always goes back home in the evening and comes in the morning.

I got up from my bed and ran out to the main door. I unlocked the door and opened it. I saw Mickey standing there with a worried expression on his face. As soon as I saw him, more tears ran down my cheeks and I hugged him tightly.
He didn't say anything and just stood there hugging me.
I can hear his fast heartbeat. He must have hurried here. It's only fifteen minutes from his house but he came here in five.
"Promise me that you won't leave me, ever."I said still crying.
"I promise."he said and kissed my head.
I hugged him more tightly.

He brought me back to my room and made me sit on the bed. I have calmed down a bit and have stopped crying.
"Here, drink some water."he said giving me a glass of water.
I drank a little.
He moved a chair beside my bed and sat there.
"What happened? Why were you crying?"he asked holding my hands.
"I had a really bad dream."I said closing my eyes.
"Do you want to talk about it?"he asked me very carefully.
I shook my head.
"Ok. Then we won't talk about it."he said and kissed my forehead.
I opened my eyes and saw his smiling face.
"You don't have to worry. I won't leave you ever even if you get tired of me."he said joking.
"I will never get tired of you. So, don't leave me ever."I said hugging him.
"Now, go to sleep."he said making me lie on the bed.
"You won't leave me, right?"I said holding his hand.
"I won't leave. I will be right here until you wake up."he said and kissed my temple.

I close my eyes still holding his hand and sleep took over me.

"Mmm..."I squeezed my eyes tightly. I opened my eyes slowly and saw Mickey's face infront of me. He is sleeping peacefully. He didn't leave as he promised. He is still sitting on the chair and his head on the bed and he is still holding my hand.
I smiled.
He looks so cute while asleep. My hand automatically moved to stroke his hair.
"Mmmm..."he made a sound.
I withdrew my hand immediately but he caught it and opened his eyes to look at me.
"Continue stroking my hair. I liked it."he said in a husky voice.
I bit my lower lip.
"Did you sleep well."he asked.
"Yes. And you? I am sorry, you had to sleep so uncomfortably."I said feeling bad for him.
"No, I was more than comfortable. Why won't I be? I was sleeping beside the person I like, holding her hand. It was the most peaceful sleep I have ever had."he said smiling.
I blushed.

"Baby sis!!! I am back!!!"I heard a familiar voice and my bedroom door opened and Vis came inside.
"Mike? What are you doing here?"he asked confused and shocked to see Mickey.
"Your baby sis had a nightmare yesterday and she called me crying. So, I came here to be with her."Mickey said walking towards Vis.
"What? Sus was crying?"Vis said and came running to my side and hugged me.
"I am sorry. I wasn't here for you."he said sad.
"Vis, it's ok. Mickey was here, so, you shouldn't worry. It was just a bad dream and I want to forget it now."I said avoiding to think about that dream.
"Thank you, Mike."Vis said looking at Mickey.
"You know I too care for her as much as you do."he said and smiled.
Vis smiled.
"Go and rest. You must be tired sleeping on the chair. And don't worry about Sus, I will drop her to college."Vis said.
"No, I am fine. I will just go home and freshen up and go to office."Mickey said.
"Ok."Vis said getting up form the bed.
"Bye, Susi. Take care."Mickey said smiling.
I nodded and smiled.

Mickey really loves me a lot. Whatever happened yesterday made me feel so special. He stayed by my side as he said. He really treasures me well. I am so lucky to have him in my life.

Seeing Michael's care, Susan's heart is falling for Michael. But, these feelings are alien to her. Will she ever realise that she is falling for him? Vote and comment.

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