I feel hurt

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"Mickey, go. They need you."I try to convince Mickey for the fifth time.
"No. You need me more than anyone else now."he said crossing his arms on his chest.
"Mickey, your secretary called you and said you have to go to the office. It must be something urgent."I said.
"I am not leaving you alone here. Not today."he said patting the seat next to him on the couch.

I sighed and sat down.
What should I do? He is not going to listen to me. How am I supposed to convince him to go? He is needed in office more than here. I don't want him to leave his important work due to me. But he becomes sp stubborn when it comes to something like this.

"Mickey, how about I call my friends over? Then you can go look into the business matter and I won't be alone."I ask him turning towards him.
He thought for a minute before nodding.
"That will be fine. Call your friends over. I will leave as soon as they arrive."he said.

I took out my phone and called Elsa's number.
She picked up on first ring.
"Hello!! So, how was it?"she said as soon as she picked up the call. I sighed.
"Elsa, can you come home along with Claire and Molly, now?"I said looking at Mickey.
"Sure. We will be there in half an hour."she said and I hang up the call.

"They will be here in half an hour. So, you can go now."I said smiling at him.
"Ok. I will go when they come."he said taking a magazine from the table. He is so stubborn. I sighed.

But the biggest problem is yet to come.
All my friends knew that today I was going to spend time Mickey. So, they must be excited to hear about it. I don't know how they will react when I tell them about what Stance did.

"Michael, do you want anything to eat?"Maria asked him.
"No. But, I will like some coffee though."he said smiling at her.
"Ok. I will bring your favourite coffee."she said smiling and then looked at me and asked,"Sweetie, do you want anything?"
"No, not now."I said.
"Bring her some icecream, please."he said smiling.
"Sure."she said confused and went towards the kitchen.

I looked at Mickey.
"Why did you ask her to bring icecream? I don't feel like eating anything now."I asked him confused.
"You cried a lot. So, you need to eat something to give you energy. And moreover, you like to eat icecream when you are sad, right?"he said tilting his head to one side.
"You really know me so well."I smiled and put my head on his shoulder.
He kissed my head and hugged me. I snuggled close to him. I just feel so good being like this with him. I feel so safe like no one can harm or hurt me. That's the reason friends are more reliable than boyfriends.

Ding dong.....
The door bell rang after exactly half an hour.
"That must be my friends."I said and got up to open the door.
"Su!!!!"Elsa, Molly and Claire engulfed me in a group hug as soon as I opened the door.
I hugged them back. They seem so happy and excited.
"So, how did it go?"asked Elsa.
"Did you two have fun?"asked Molly.
"What did you two do alone?"winked Claire.
I sighed and rolled my eyes.
"I think I should leave now."Mickey said before I could say anything. I nodded.
"Bye, Susi! I will call you as soon as I am free."he said hugging me.
"Stop worrying about me, I am fine. Concentrate on your work."I said smiling.
He patted my head and left.

I looked at my friends who had big smiles plastered on their face. I shook my head at them.
I know they must be misunderstanding everything.

"Let's go to my room."I said walking inside with them trailing behind me.
"Hello, girls!"Maria said smiling.
"Hello, Maria!"they all said together.
"Would you all like anything to eat or drink? I will bring some snacks for you all."she said smiling brightly.
"Thank you but we don't want to eat anything now. But, we will tell you later if we change our mind."Elsa said.
"Maria, we will be in my room."I said and she nodded.

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