Dinner-first date?

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"And then..what did you do?"asked Elsa.
"Nothing."I said.
"What? You didn't stop him for breakfast or tell your brother how Michael was a prince who came to save you from that nightmare?"Claire asked with wide eyes.
"Umm..nope. How could I do that, you know brother was there and he told Mickey to go home then I can't tell him to stay, right? And if I bragged so much about Mickey and that too suddenly then what do you think will Vis think? He will become suspicious and what if he banned my meeting with Mickey after getting jealous that Mickey became more important to me other than him? I didn't want to take risk."I said and sighed.
"So...that means..."Molly said with a smirk.
"What?"I gave her a confused look.
"Dumbo..it means that you can't live without seeing Mickey."Claire said with a wink.
"And that only means that you have feelings for him."Elsa winked.
"Wha..wha..what..what are you saying? There is nothing like that, ok? He always goes on business trips and that time I don't see him."I said trying to convince myself more than them because for some reason my heart is fluttering like crazy.
"Yes, that's because you know you will meet him again after some days and so you only miss him that time."Molly explained.
"That..."I was saying when Claire interrupted me, "Tell me, if your brother tells you not to meet Michael what will you do? Will you do as he says or will you oppose him?"Claire asked.
"I...I...Mickey...he is...he is my best friend. How can I...."I said stumbling on my words. Just thinking that I won't meet him makes my heart pain.
"Hey, it's not true. She was just saying it like that. Don't cry."Elsa said hugging me.
I touched my cheeks and it is wet. I was crying? But, I know she is saying it just like that then why will I cry?
"Claire!"Elsa glared at Claire.
"I am sorry. Su, it was just an example."Claire sighed and hugged me.
"I know. I know that. I don't know but these stupid tears ran down on its own."I said wiping my tears and smiled.
"That's because you care about him a lot."Molly said smiling.
"Yeah...he is my best friend after all."I said smiling.
"Yes."Elsa said hugging me tightly.
"Come, let's go home."Molly said getting up from the field.
We are sitting in the college field after college ended. As Vis said he won't be able to come pick me up and Mickey is also busy, I told my driver, Clark not to pick me up.
"I will drop you home."Elsa said and I nodded and we all walked towards the parking lot.

"Bye. See you tomorrow."I said getting out of the car.
"Bye."Elsa said and drove away.
I walked towards the door and rang the door bell. Maria opened the door and smiled seeing me.
"Sweetie, welcome home. How was your day?"she asked as soon as I got in.
"As usual nice. With friends like them, how can my days be boring."I said and we both laughed.
"That's true."she said and smiled.
"Do you want to have anything?"she asked me.
"No. Not now. I will go and freshen up first."I said walking towards my room.

I freshen up quickly and sat on the couch in the living room.
Today, I didn't get to meet Mickey. I wonder what he is doing. I shook my head. What am I thinking! It's not like I cared about that before. Why am I thinking about such things? I sighed. It must be all because of the things that happened these past few days. I don't know what to think anymore. What is our relationship now? We are not dating and we can definitely not go back to just being friends like we were before. What are we now?

"Sweetie!"Maria shook my shoulder.
I looked at her startled.
"Yes, yes."I said.
"I have been calling you but you didn't reply."she said.
"Really! Um..I didn't hear you. Sorry, I was so engrossed in watching Tv."I said.
"Tv?"she gave me a confused look.
"Ye...yes."I said and smiled weakly.
"Really! That black screen is so interesting?"she asked looking at the Tv.
I turned and looked. Oops...it's turned off. I have been thinking so deeply that I didn't even realise that I did not switch on the Tv.
"I..um..I was..thinking...what I should watch that's why I did not hear you."I lied and smiled.
"Is that true? If there is anything bugging you then you can always talk to me, ok?"she said worried.
"I know. Really, I was just thinking what to watch."I said and smiled.
"If that's the reason then it's ok."she said in relief.
I sighed in relief and smiled.
"Anyways, what will you like to have for dinner? I don't know when Travis will be back so, I will make dinner for both of you and keep his share in the fridge before going."she said.
"Ok. Let me think...."I was thinking when my phone rang with Mickey's ringtone.

My heart started beating loudly. I should behave normally otherwise Maria will be suspicious.
I picked up the call, looking at Maria from the corner of my eyes.
"Hello, Mickey!"I said cheerfully trying to hide me nervousness.
"Hey, Flower!"he said cheerfully.
He called me Flower? That day he called me Sunshine and today...he is calling me with these lovable nicknames since that day.
"Um..yes. What is it?"I asked blushing.
"Travis has lot of work to do so, he will be late today. And I have almost finished my work so, let's go out for dinner."he said cheerfully.
"Dinner?"I said looking at Maria who has a curious expression on her face.
"Yeah..sure."I said smiling.
"Great! I will pick you up in an hour. Bye. Love you."he said and hang up.
I blushed.
I looked at Maria.
"Mickey is coming over for dinner?"she asked excited.
"No..he asked me out on dinner."I said.
"That's nice! You both went on dinner that day too. It's nice to eat out sometimes. So, I will make something for Travis and keep it in fridge while you get ready."she said smiling and walked towards the kitchen.

I hurried to my room and closed the door behind me. I took a deep breath. I am so damn nervous for some reason and my cheeks feels hot. Oh god! Why am I blushing when I am going out just for dinner with Mickey, that same Mickey whome I have known for all my life. But, somehow this Mickey seems a lot different from that one. That Mickey used to treat me more like a kid but this Mickey, he treats me more like...like a..woman. I blushed more.

I hurried inside my walk in closet. What should I wear? I have never been this nervous about choosing clothes as I am now. This is too revealing....umm...this one is too hiding...I don't like this color.... I think, this will be nice!!! He complemented me when I wore red colour for high school graduation. He said it looked good on me. Then I will wear this red dress today...it's perfect... Will he like it??..

I shook my head. What am I thinking? Why am I being like this? I feel butterflies in my stomach and my heart beats like crazy just by thinking about him. What is happening to me?

Will Susan fall for Michael? What will happen during dinner that will be different experience than she had with Stance?
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