Lost memories

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"So, this is the place where you came to get drunk..huh?"Molly asked parking the car.
We all came to the bar in Molly's car. I hope coming here helps.
"Yeah. I thought coming to a place where no one knows me and where none of my brother's friends comes will be best, since my brother will never know about it."I said shrugging my shoulders.
"That's really thoughtful because no one will ever guess you came here. Not bad. You really planned everything before coming here."Elsa said.
"Girls, can we get drunk a little?"Claire said excited and got out of the car.
"NO!!"the three of us said together and got out.
"Chill! I was just kidding, I know we have another work to do, make Su remember Michael's confession. You all are too serious."Claire said laughing and walked towards the door.
We just shook our heads and followed her.

We went inside and looked around.
"That's the table where I was sitting."I said and we all went there to sit.
"So, what did you do next?"Elsa asked me.
"I called the waiter and asked him to bring me drinks."I said.
"Then we should call the waiter and ask him to bring us drinks."Claire said winking.
"And then get drunk and instead of making Su remember we will forget what we do after that. That's a good idea, right Claire?"Molly said smiling.
"You girls really get distracted so easily."Claire said shaking her head.
"Really?"Elsa said giving her a look.
"Ok. Let's just concentrate on making Su remember Michael's confession."Claire said clapping her hands together.
"There is no confession."I said rolling my eyes.
"Can you be sure about that when you don't remember anything?"Claire asked me smiling.
I opened my mouth and then just closed it. She is right. I am not sure about that.

"Who was the waiter who served you yesterday?"Elsa asked me and I looked around.
"He is not here."I said still searching for him.
"Excuse me!"Molly called a waiter.
"Yes, miss! Your order, please!"he said smiling.
"Can you call the waiter who was serving last night?"Molly asked with extra sweet voice.
He looked confused and said,"They will come in the night shift after few hours."
"Do you have any idea who might have served my friend last night?"Molly asked him again.
"Is there any problem, miss?"he asked now a little tensed.
"No. There is no problem."Elsa said.

"Gosh! Let me handle this."Claire whispered and got up from her seat.
She went and stood next to the waiter.
"Actually, do you have a friend who works in the night shift and may have the bad luck of serving my friend here who is not so good drinker and may have fought with your colleague for drinks. If yes, then please tell us. We wanted to apologise to him on her behalf."She said giving him her cutest smile.
"Um... I will give him your apologies so you don't have to worry."he said hesitating.
"No, we wanted to apologise personally and also thank him for taking care of her. Please, can you call him to come here now."Claire said holding his hands blinking innocently.
"He doesn't stand a chance to that innocent face."Molly whispered.
"Even we can't say no to that face then he has no chance of getting away."Elsa whispered.
"Sure. Sure. He is my friend and he told me about his experience with your friend. I will call him right away. ."He said like in a trance.
"Thank you! You are the best!"She said hugging him.
He blushed.
"Wow, he is blushing."Molly whispered.
"He has fallen for her."Elsa whispered.
"Poor guy."I whispered.

He dialled a number and called. "Hey, bro!"
"Can you come to the bar now?"
"I know you must be exhausted from your other job and resting now."
"But, it's really important, bro."
"Thanks, bro."
"Yup. See you in fifteen."
He disconnected the call and looked at Claire smiling.

"He will be here in fifteen minutes. Anything else that you would like me to do?"he asked shyly.
"No, thank you so much."Claire said holding him hands and smiling sweetly.
"Then I will come to inform you when he is here. I have work now so... I will have to go but if you need anything just call me."he said more to Claire than to us.
"Sure."Claire said sweetly and he went back to work turning now and then to look at Claire.

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