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I sobbed.
"Everything's Ok?"Clark asked me.
"Yes."I said wiping my cheeks.
He didn't pressure me to tell him anything just kept driving till we reached home.

"Wait here."I said and went out of the car.
I went inside my house. Maria is not at home because I gave her the day off just like the past whole week because I have been spending my time with Mickey.

What should I do? I know Vis will be here any minute and right now I don't want to be with him...
Mickey's sad face came to my mind. It's all because of Vis!!
I looked around trying to suppress my tears that are overflowing. I saw the photo frames that were hanging on the walls. The photo of four of us when we went to the beach when I was in high school, Mickey looks so happy...that day I played only with him when brother and Ace went to spend some time alone. I saw Mickey's  happiest face for the first time that day. Tears brimmed my eyes again. I wiped it and saw the next photo in which I and brother went for a picnic with mommy and daddy when I was three. Mommy told me that I got lost that day and when everyone found me I was playing with a stray cat. Brother cried a lot hugging me. I guess that was the day when he started taking extra care of me. The tears rolled down my cheeks. I know that he loves me a lot but what he did today...it was not right...I have to leave...I have to leave now without seeing Vis...if I see him I don't know what I will blurt out to him that will hurt him...I will go to London to mommy and daddy.

I called Earl, my piolt.
He picked up in second ring.
"Yes, Miss. Raymond?"he said.
"Earl! Call me Susan!"I said to him.
"Yes, Susan."he said and chuckled.
"Get the plane ready. I will reach the airport in an hour. I want to go to London."I said.
"Ok."he said and I hang up the call.

I went to my room and took my purse that always have all the documents which is necessary for travelling. I don't need clothes because there are already many in London in my closet and mommy keeps adding new ones to them whenever she goes shopping.
I got out of my room to leave when I saw my brother standing there.

"Why didn't you wait when I called you?"he asked me.
I looked at him.
His eyes grew wide and he ran towards me worried.
"What happened, Sus? Why are you crying?"he asked me worried wiping my tears.
I removed his hand.
"Why do you care?"I asked him.
"What are you talking about? If my baby sis is sad or hurt and is crying then it obvious that I will care."he said hurt. I really shouldn't say anything that will hurt him but I can't stop now....
"Really? So, you care about me, huh? I thought that you don't."I said.
"What's wrong, Sus?"he asked confused and worried.
This is the first time I have talked to him like this so he is confused and hurt.
"You are asking me when you are the one who brought that guy to set me up with him."I said folding my arms.
"That.."He was hesitating when I said,"Why do you always do this? Why do you always try to control my life? You don't really care how I feel or what I want, do you?"
Tears rolled down my cheeks.
"Sus..."he said hurt and tried to touch my cheek but I lift up my hand to stop him.
"I am leaving. I can't live here when you don't even care about my feelings and all you want to do is control my life."I said and walked passed him.
"Sus! Sorry! I am really sorry! I won't repeat this again! I will never try to set you up with any guy and will let you do what you want. Sus!!!"I heard him say walking behind me but I ignored him and sat inside the waiting car and locked the door.
"To the airport."I said to Clark and he nodded confused.
I saw tears in my brother's eyes and closed my eyes so that I don't see them.
"Hurry!"I said to the driver and he started the engine and took off while Vis ran after the car calling my name.
I sobbed hiding my face in my palm. I know what I did was wrong but what he did was wrong too... Why is everyone getting hurt because of me? Why??? Mickey and Vis both are so important to me and yet they are hurt all because of me...

"Susan...we are here..."Clark said stopping the car.
"Thank you."I said wiping my tears and got out of the car.
I hurried towards my private plane where Earl was waiting for me.
"Susan! What's wrong?"he asked me worried as soon as he saw my face.
"Nothing. Let's hurry."I said and he nodded hesitating.
I will wash my face inside and try to remain normal when I meet my parents. I don't want them to get worried seeing me like this.

"I will take a cab."I said to Earl who refused to let me go alone and wanted to call my daddy to come and pick me up or atleast let him accompany me home.
"Susan, let me take you."he said worried.
"Don't worry. I am fine and I can go alone."I said to him forcing a smile.
"But..."he said when I interrupted him,"Please..."
He nodded and called a taxi.
I sat inside and gave the driver my address and waved bye to Earl.
I cried the whole ride in the plane and washed my face after the plane landed.
What should I do..my eyes are swollen....I will just lie to them if they asked...

The taxi stopped and I got out. I paid him and walked towards my home. Mommy and Daddy must have arrived from the office by now.
I took a deep breath before ringing the bell of the house. My mommy doesn't like to live in a mansion because she thinks that we won't be able to remain close if the house is big and so we use our mansion only during occasions. But, this house is not any less than a mansion but it's not that big to make my mommy feel distanced.
I rang the bell.
The door opened after few minutes and I saw the maid, Sally standing there. She is in her mid fifties and look after the house really well.
"Susan!"she exclaimed seeing me.
"Shhh..."I said to her and she kept her hand on her mouth.
"What a surprise?"She said smiling.
"It's a surprise for mommy and daddy!"I said entering inside.
"Mr. Raymond is in the living room and Mrs. Raymond is in the kitchen."she told me and I nodded.
"Who is it Sally?"I heard my mommy's voice.
I smiled and tip-toed inside the kitchen and blindfolded my mommy's eyes with my hands.
She touched my hands and whispered,"Sweetie!"
I giggled and removed my hand.
She turned around with a broad smile and hugged me.
"When did you arrive? Why didn't you inform me before coming?"she asked smiling brightly.
I just giggled.
"Did you meet your daddy?"She asked.
I shook my head in a no.
"He will be really happy."she said.

I tip-toed into the living room and went behind the chair my daddy was sitting on.
I blindfolded his eyes with my hands.
He touched my hands and smiled.
"My princess!"he said and I removed my hands.
"How did both of you know that it was me?"I complained.
They looked at each other and then at me and smiled.
"That's because you are our precious daughter."Daddy said.
"Where is your brother?"mommy asked me.
What should I say??? I feel like crying again...No Susan, you can't cry....
"I came alone.."I said and smiled nervously.
"He must be busy and she must have missed us a lot."Daddy said and smiled.
I smiled back relived.
"Sweetie! Why is your eyes so swollen? Did you cry?"mommy asked me touching my cheeks.
"No..no...that..it must be..because I as watching movies the whole night."I lied.
She nodded.
Thank goodness! She believed me.
"Daddy! You said something about Chicago. When can I go there?"I asked him sitting on the couch.
My parents looked at each other and then at me.
"After your brother's wedding."Daddy said.
"So, you are going to Chicago?"I heard my brother's voice and looked towards the direction.
I saw him standing there.
"Travis! My baby!"mommy said and hugged him.
"Why didn't the two of you arrive together?"mommy asked us.
"She came here first and I had some work so I am late."Vis said and looked at me.
"I heard that Sus is going to Chicago."he said expressionless.
"Yes! She was asking when she can go."Daddy said smiling brightly.
"That's nice. She should do the things she wants to."he said but I know that he is hurt.
"Yes! That's what I was trying to tell you before."Daddy said.
"So...Sus, will you come back to New York or..."he said hesitating.
"She is living here!"Daddy said and I nodded in approval trying hard not to cry.
He nodded and turned around to leave.
"Where are you going?"mommy asked him.
"I have work to do."he said and hurried out while mommy kept calling after him.
She came back and looked at me.
"I am tired so I am going to my room."I said and hurried towards my room.
I closed the door behind me and ran to my bed and let my tears flow on the pillow. I cried myself to sleep.

First fight with Vis!!!! And separation from Mickey!!! What's gonna happen next???

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