Without music...

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Ding dong....
It must be him! I am not even ready yet!!! It's all because of the time I took to select what to wear....what do I do now?? I never took this much time to get ready and was always on time but what's wrong with me...why am I so nervous???

Knock knock....
"Yes!"I said shaking my head.
"Sweetie, Michael is here to pick you up."Maria said.
"I..I will be there in five minutes."I said looking here and there. I have to hurry, he is waiting.
"Ok."she said and went away.

I hurried to the dressing table. How should I do my hair?? There is no time?? Ugghhh...I will just leave it open..he did say that he likes my hair down when we went to that picnic two years ago with Vis and Ace. Now, just lip gloss that he brought for me from that business trip and done!! I wore the red plumps and took my red hand purse after putting my cell phone inside.

I stood infront of my full length mirror. How do I look? Do I look good? What will he say?
I shook my head.
"What are you thinking, Susan? It's not the first time you are going out with him. Yes, stay confident. It's just a dinner with your best friend."I said to myself and walked out of the room.

"Hi!"I said smiling as soon as I reached living room.
Wow! He looks so handsome! He is wearing jeans with tight shirt. It really shows his muscles well. And his hair...I just feel like touching it...I shook my head.
"Heeyyy!"he said looking me up and down.
What will he say? I bit my lower lip nervously and put my hair behind my ears shyly. It really feels so different when he stares like that.
"Aww..you look so beautiful!"Maria exclaimed.
"Thanks."I said smiling shyly.
"We will be leaving then."Mickey said getting up from the couch.
I just stared at him. He didn't say anything, not even a small complement like you look beautiful or just you look good?

"Sure. Have a nice time."Maria said smiling.
I nodded giving her a small smile.
She smiled as I went out of the house.

I walked towards his car still little irritated. He should have atleast said that this color suits me...and here I took this much time to get ready and was nervous as what he will say...

"Susi, hurry up!"Mickey called out.
He is standing with the car door open for me.
I went and put my one foot inside the car when he whispered into my ear,"You look so beautiful tonight that I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to control myself from kissing you infront of Maria."
I looked at him surprised.
"Don't worry, I won't do such things before making you fall for me. But after that I can't guarantee anything."he said and winked.
I blushed looking down and sat inside.
"You look even more beautiful when you blush."he said closing the door.
I blushed even more.
I was angry at Mickey for no reason...he actually was trying to control himself...I blushed just repeating it in my head.
What is happening to me? I have started blushing at everything he says, I have never been like this before..

"Thinking about me? But I am right here."Mickey said after sitting in driver's seat.
"N..no...."I said shaking my head.
He chuckled.
"You know, I can tell what you are thinking just by looking at you."he said and winked.
I can't even think of a reply to give him when he says things like these. He really knows me well whereas I don't.
"Where are we going?"I asked changing the topic.
He chuckled again. So, he caught me, huh.
"Just wait and see."he said and smiled.
"Oh...I got something for you."he said and reached his hand to the back seat.
"Here. For you."he said giving me a bouquet of white lilies, my favourite flowers.
"So beautiful."I said.
"Not as much as you."he said winking. I put my hair behind my ear blushing.
He chuckled and started the engine.

"We are here."he said and I looked at him.
He got out and came to my side and opened the door for me. I got out and smiled. I know he would have complained if I got out by myself. He really wants to act like a gentleman because today he didn't bring me like a friend but more than that.

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