Days full of love

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"Wake up, Baby!"a sweet voice said.
I twisted in my bed.
She giggled.
"Honey, I am going to leave you and go to the beach alone if you don't wake up now."She said.
"I know you won't do that."I said in a husky voice.
I heard her footsteps coming close and stop beside the bed.
"I really can't believe that you are a morning person."She said.
"That's because I am on honeymoon with my beautiful wife."I said smiling.
"Cheeky!"she said. I know she is smiling.
"I want something in return if you want me to get up.."I said and smiled.
She chuckled and kissed my temple.
"Only this much!"I complained opening one eye.
" go and get ready fast! I am starving!"she said and turned to leave but I caught her hand and pulled her.
She fell on the bed and I chuckled.
"Vickie!"she complained but I chuckled shrugging my shoulders.
"Let's go, please!"she said and I pout my lips.
"Don't you want to see me in my swimming attire?"She whispered in my ears and I looked at her eyes wide.
She giggled and gave me a peck on the cheek before getting up from the bed.
"Quickly get ready. I will order something to eat."She said and went into the living room of the honeymoon suite.
I went to the bathroom to freshen up and get ready.

We are in our first destination, Hawaii. We arrived here two days ago. We have decided four destinations for our honeymoon and will spend one week at each place.
I promised my cupcake that I won't do any work and will give all my time and attention to her. So, we have switched off our cell phones and kept it deep inside the suitcase.
I worked day and night to be able to get this much free time so that I don't have any work stress but Sus went to stay in Chicago which makes me little anxious but I have to let her do what she wants otherwise she will get angry like before. I think she will be alright and so I won't worry about her and think only about my cupcake.

I came out of the bathroom and went to the balcony. We always have our breakfast there looking at the ocean outside.
She smiled seeing me.
I sat on the chair opposite to her and dig in the food.
We ate while talking about the things we will do here and then got up to change for the beach.

"Beach!!!"my cupcake said and started running towards the beach.
"Slow down!"I said and laughed.
She is like a kid when she is at a beach.
I laid down our stuffs on the sand near the beach chairs and umbrellas that I ordered to set up.
She sat on one chair and opened the small bag that she brought with her stuff inside.
I sat on the other chair. I am wearing shorts showing off my eight pack abs to my wife but she hasn't noticed or said anything about it yet though she has seen it many times nor did she complained about other girls checking me out. I feel kind of sad because of that.
She kept the sunscreen that she brought on the chair beside her and took off her shirtdress that she was wearing over her sexy bikini. Then she started rubbing sunscreen on her hands and legs.
I just stared at her.
"Are you gonna just sit there and stare or will you help me put sunscreen on my back?"She said and looked at me.
"I...I wasn't staring!"I lied and looked away.
She giggled.
"When will my shy hubby stop being shy like this?"She said and pinched my cheek.
"I am not shy!"I protested.
She nodded giggling.
"Please."she said giving me the bottle and laid on her stomach.
I got up from my chair and sat at the edge of her's.
I put some cream on my hands and started rubbing it slowly on her back.
"Done!"I said and she turned on her back.
I got up from her chair to sit on mine when I looked around and saw guys ogling at my cupcake.
I closed my fists and took a deep breath. No fighting, Travis! No fighting....
"Baby, why don't you wear your shirtdress back."I said very sweetly.
She removed her shades from her eyes and gave me a confused look.
"If I wear it then how will I tan?"she asked confused.
"But..."I said looking around.
She followed my gaze and then grabbed my hand and pulled me to sit beside her on her chair.
"You are jealous?"She said and smiled.
"NO! I am not!"I lied and looked away.
"You know, why I don't show any jealously when the girls ongle at you? That's because I know that you are mine."She said showing me her ring and winked at me.
"But, I like it when you get jealous. You know how cute you look!"she said and started giggling.
"You...."I said flustered.
She took out the camera and snaped a picture.
"Hey!"I said.
She got up from the chair giggling.
"Perfect shot!"she said giggling.
"Wait!"I said getting up from the chair.
She kept the camera down and ran towards the water.
I ran after her.
She started splashing water on me giggling.
"You!!! Wait I will show you how cute I am!"I said and ran towards her.
She tried to run but I caught her hand and lift her in my arms.
"So, should I show you...."I teased her.
"No. No. No."She pleaded.
"Oops..."I said and dropped her in water.
She came out, water dripping down her while I chuckled.
We started splashing water at each other laughing.

A day of Travis and Grace's life! I hope you all liked it!!! Travis is so happy and enjoying but what will he do when he comes to know about his baby sis and best friend???

This chapter has been possible just because of my sweet friend Khushi!!! 😘😘 It was her suggestion that I write a chapter just for Travis and Grace!!😆😆

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