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I came back to Mickey's cabin. I stood outside the door with a glass of orange juice in my hand. I know I said that I will bring a cup of coffee but I think this will be more healthy. I giggled thinking about his priceless face just few minutes ago. I will do something to make him show that flustered face again. I giggled to myself before opening the door.

"Mickey! I brought orange juice instead of coffee."I said entering inside.
My eyes went wide upon seeing my brother.
"Brother!"I said shocked. What is Vis doing here?
"Sus! What are you doing here?"he asked me surprised.
What should I say? I kept the glass on the coffee table near the couch.
He came towards me.
"I thought you will be with your friends."he said and gave me questioning eyes.
" friends..they went...out with their boyfriends and I was getting bored and so I came here."I lied and gave him a smile. I wanted to spend more time with Mickey and that's why I convinced my friends to go out with their boyfriends  saying that they won't get enough time to spend together once they start working. And to my relief they agreed or I guess read through me but atleast didn't tease me.
"What are you doing here?"I asked him.
"Oh! That! I thought that you are with your friends so I came to meet mine."he said and smiled. I nodded and looked at Mickey, why does...why does he look so he is about to he is deeply hurt...did my brother say anything to him because of that day when I went home late....??? I have to ask Vis and now! Just a few minutes ago everything was fine...Mickey was laughing and smiling and now....
"Brother!"I said and turned to him but he just grabbed my hand to took me to a guy standing near Mickey's desk. I didn't notice him before.
"Sus, this is Nick Park, the son of Kelvin Park who is the president of Park industries and he is working with me on the project that I started. And Nick, this is my baby sis Susan Raymond."he said introducing us which is really odd and unexpected but I guess I am going to start working soon so he is trying to introduce just because of business.
"Hello!"he said and I forced a smile. I can't even think of smiling when Mickey is sad over there. I should go and talk to him...
"Sus,you know, he is the same age as you and he too graduated few days ago but he is really talented and smart and he started helping his father really early. Isn't that really nice."he said excited. Do I have to know to this extent just to be business associates? Susan, maybe it's important in business world otherwise my brother would never introduce me to anyone more than required, right?
I nodded and forced a smile glancing at Mickey.
"I was thinking that it will be good if you can show him around New York. It will also help you two to know about each other."Vis said smiling.
What??? He wants ME to show Nick around?? This is the first time he introduced me to a guy and letting me to spend time with him...I don't know but it really feels strange on his part to do something like this...
I glanced at Mickey but he just looked out of the glass window. He doesn't seem ok to me. I have to talk to him first. But what's with my seems like he is trying to set me up with that guy but my brother will never do that...he can never do such a thing....
"Sus! What are you thinking?"Vis asked me confused.
"I have a headache so I am going home. And sorry but I won't be able to show him around as I don't have time."I lied forcing a smile.
"Are you ok?"he asked concerned.
"Yes, I am. I just need to go home and rest."I said and smiled.
"Umm...then Nick will drop you back home."he said glancing at him.
What's wrong with my brother??? Why is he so adamant on me and Nick spending time??? I have to talk to Mickey! He is more important to me than any business associate!!!!
"No thanks! Mickey can take me home."I said trying not to be rude and just walked up to Mickey grabbed his hand and walked out of the cabin.
"Sus!!!"I heard my brother call me but I just kept walking and hurried inside the elevator.

None of us said anything and I didn't let go of his hand. We reached the ground floor and I walked towards the parking lot still holding Mickey's hand.
I let go of his hand once we reached there.
"What's going on?"I asked him.
He just looked away.
"Mickey! Look at me! Tell me what's wrong? Why are you sad?"I asked him holding his arm.
He took a deep breath and looked at me.
"You are asking me? Do you really care if I am sad or not?"he said sounding hurt.
"What do you mean? Why won't I care?"I asked him.
"Then, tell me why do you care?"he asked me looking straight into my eyes.
"Did...did Vis say something to you?"I asked.
"He said exactly what you told him."he said and laughed bitterly. This is not the laugh of the Mickey I know, it doesn't have that happiness in it but only saddness.
"And what is that? Mickey...please tell me clearly what's going on?"I pleaded.
"Why don't you ask your brother instead of asking me!"he said removing my hand from his arm.
"I am going but you can use my other car. The driver, Clark will take you anywhere you want to go."he said and started walking towards his car.
"Oh!"he said and turned around and said,"And if you want that guy to drop you then you can take that car, your brother will be really happy."
What is he talking about? Why is he saying such things? What exactly did Vis say to him? Mickey have never talked to me like this before...what happened to hurt him to this extent???

He opened the car door and was about to sit inside when I ran and grabbed his arm. Tears running down my cheeks.
He turned to look at me and for a split second his eyes softened but then it turned into that cold hurt ones.
"Mickey, please..please talk to me..."I said trying to control my sobs.
"Why are you bothering about just a mere friend like me? Don't waste your time on a mere friend like me about whom you don't have any feelings and try to get along with that guy who is the same age as you and who is not your friend. It will be easier for you to develop feelings for a guy who is a stranger rather than who is a mere friend."he said a tear slipping down his cheek. Before I could ask or say anything he removed my hand from his arm and sat inside.
I just stood there tears falling down my cheeks while he started the engine and took off.
"Sus!!!"I heard my brother call me.
I wipped my tears and went to the waiting car and sat inside totally ignoring my brother.
"Sus!!!!"I heard him call me again.
"To home."I said to the driver trying very hard not to cry.
He started the engine. I saw in the rear view mirror that Vis is chasing after the car.
The tears I was holding started falling down.
Vis said those things to him???!!!! He told him that he is just a friend to me???!!! That night when I answered him that Mickey is a friend, I was nervous as what to say to him when I was not clear about my own feelings and how could I possibly say that I feel something more for Mickey to my brother. I know that I don't consider Mickey just a friend but I don't know that what I feel about him is love or not...that's why I didn't tell him about it...and he went and told it to must really have hurt him...he loves me so much and...and that brother of mine said something like that to him....and on top of that he brought that guy to introduce me to...that too in front of much that must  have hurt Mickey....

First fight! And everything is falling apart! What will happen? Will Mickey and Susi be together again or will this distance just keep growing???

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