Undyne+Alphys X child! reader

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(ok so this is my first ship one shot so bear with me here!)

The tiniest bit of shuffling was heard. Who was making that noise? You of course! You were sneaking up on a certain yellow dinosaur. But she's much more than that to you. Thats right you guessed it, she's your step mom! Jazz hands! And yes your undynes child. Resulting in you being rough, you were just used to that kind of life.

You shuffled a bit closer, and there she was watching tv. You did this with your mom all the time and you guys end up having fun so why would this be any different? As you got closer to the adorable nerd you got ready to jump her.

Suddenly you sprang into action and caught her from behind. "WRESTLING!!" you yelled and tried to knock her down. Alphys let out a yelp as she tried to mantain balance. Sadly she did and grabbed you so she could see you " (y-y/n) what are doing?"

You let out a smile similar to your mothers " WRESTLING! Mommy and I do that all the time!" Alphys gave an awkward chuckle and sat you down on her lap "well im more g-gentle than your mommy. So try not to be as r-rough with me ok?" you nodded, then booped her nose "ok mama!" suddenly her face became red. She covered her face as a knock echoed though the house.

You gasped and ran to the door and opened it knowing who it was. "Mommy!" and there she was. Her face brightened when she saw you. She picked you up and gave you a noogie. But it it didn't hurt that much, like I said you were used to that kind of stuff. "Heya squirt!" she said in a loud voice.

"H-Hi Undyne" Alphys said as she walked to you two, her face still red. Your mom let out a laugh "hey alphys! Why's your face a cherry?!" Alphys face got redder " I-I know you'd said that (y-y/n) would grow on me but...."

Undyne got what she was trying to say and smiled her famous smile and held you out to Alphys "see Alphys? (Y/n)'s a fast grower!" you also smiled and held out your arms signaling you want your new mom to carry you.

Alphys caught the hint and nervously took you in her arms. You were a bit confused on why she was so nervous but you played along with it and wrapped your tiny arms around her neck.

She let out squeak as you mother cackled. "You really like her donttcha (y/n)!" you gave a nod. Alphys started getting used to carry and shuffled a bit to get you both in a more comfortable position. You smiled. This was your family. And you wouldn't trade anything for it.


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