Underfell! Sans X child reader

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Well shit. You're in trouble again. And discipline here is pretty damn strict. See you tried to prank your dad. How you may ask? By putting a fucking pan that was sitting on a stove for 10 minutes on top if his head.

Yea that was a messed up prank but you were raised in a messed up world, in a messed up house. Speaking of which you arent allowed out of the house. Well you are half human, it's really dangerous for you, even more that is. But you didnt know that.

Anyways back into the real world. You were running from your dad,knowing you were in deep shit. "COME BACK HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT!" you heard him yell. This made you run faster, and look back at him. His eye was glowing like crazy, this made you a bit scared.

Suddenly you were pulled back. Bullshit! He used his powers! Your dad grabbed the collar of your shirt and pulled you up to look you strait in the eyes. The fear inside you grew. But you didnt let it show. If you know one thing is that being fearful and sad wont grant you pity. The amount of fury in your dad's eyes...eye? Is unreal. You could still see the burn mark that you branded on him.

You hid a laugh. That is until you were punched in the face. Yup. That one hurt. You felt yourself get dropped, you looked up at your dad who's hand was balled into a fist "You do that again and that won't be the only bruise you'll get!" that was the signal of you getting grounded. You shot you dad a look and stormed your room.

The second you closed the door you heard a click, meaning the door was locked, duh. You slid down the door, to the floor hold your cheek that was punched. You didn't understand why he had to flip out like that. It was just a stupid prank. But then again, you dont understand a lot things. Like how much your dad's actually protecting you from the monsters that will certainly kill you for your soul. Or how your uncle is treating him when your not around, and how he wants to turn in your soul as well. Basically you dont know shit, you juat think you do.

So there you were, sitting down with your face feeling like shit. Then an idea snapped, you're really getting fed up with all this bullshit at home. So, you'll just run away! It's perfect, you've got a human soul and you know the history of monsters and humans so they'll have to repect you out there! You jump up and go to your window and pull it up. You take a look outside, the coast was clear. This is your chance! Quickly, you jump out of it. You fall into the snow, getting half burried by it- HOLY SHIT ITS COLD AS FUCK! You struggle your way out of there as fast as possible.

Once you've gotten out of the snow you wrapped your arms around you to try and warm up. You look around once more and decided to the left. Gradually the snow became more and more blinding, but you kept going until the snow cleared up. There you can see a dark lit room, you decide to go there. Once you did you felt warmer, which made you smile to yourself and keep on going.

Meanwhile Sans was sitting on the couch evaluating his life choices. You really are such a pain the ass. But you have your moments. But are you really worth it? Shrug. Why not? He touched the part where you fucking branded him, still stings. You really went to far there. Suddenly theres footsteps and the door slaming shut. Oh great. Papyrus is home.

"SANS YOU LAZYBONES" Sans lets out a small sigh before responding "sup boss?" "DON'T YOU 'sup boss' ME!!!! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE AT YOUR POST!!!!!" Sans looked up at Papyrus "sorry boss I gotta take care of (Y/N). Y'know how much of a handful the kid can be" Papyrus didn't look to happy with thay answer "I STILL DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY YOU KEEP THAT HUMAN HERE!!!" Sans idmmeatily went parent mode " 'cuz "that human" is my fucking kid"

Papyrus gave Sans a death glare "ARE YOU TALKING BACK??" soon Sans realised who he was talking to and looked down,"s-sorry boss" Papyrus scoffed and turned around and started walking to his room " FINE. WHATEVER. KEEP THAT THING!"  he muttered something else, but Sans could hear him clearly "I'll kill (her/him) eventually" he closed his door. Sans sighed and stood up and started walking to your room. You've been way too fucking quiet. He reached for your doorknob when he made it. "(y/n)?" he called as he opened the door "you've been way too quite-" you weren't in your room. Where the fuck are you?! "(Y/N)?!" Sans called again, that's when he saw the window was open. Did they just- oh shit they're gonna get killed! Quickly Sans teleported out of there to find you.

Aaaaand back to (y/n)! Yea, you're in deep shit again. But much much deeper than the shit you get into at home. See there was this monster kid who said he was running away as well. So obviously you two went on a journey together that's common sense! But then this crazy fish lady tried attacking you two. So you split up, and she ended up chassing you. So yea, your fucked. And turns out monster are gonna want to kill you because of your soul. Who knew?? So there you are at like 2HP sitting down, unable to get up with a fish lady pointing a spear at your throat. Looks like you're not getting out of this one. You're scared as fuck now, and yet you still dont show it, you at least want to die with a brave face on.

The fish lady raised her spear,you closed your eyes and braced for impact, just as she was about to strike you hear a blasting noise. You opened your eyes and suddenly there was a boney arm wrapped around you, then you back in your room. What the fuck just happened?! You look up to see your dad, he has a look of relief on his face. He pulled you into a hug, "thank god. I thought you were gonna die." ok. You were confused. But you were still a bit traumatized from that fight, so you lifted your arma to hug back. But, then he gripped your sholders. Really hard. He pulled away from the hug to look at you. And holy shit. He looked mad. You've never seen him so mad! He pushed you, making you trip and fall on your butt.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT! DO YOU KNOW HOW FUCKING WORRIED I WAS?! YOU COULD'VE DIED IF I HADN'T BEEN THERE ON TIME!" as your dad kept on yelling, the more scared you got. He was right, she could've killed you if he was even a second late. The fight was traumatizing enough, and the yelling is making it worse. You couldnt hold it anymore. You bursted into tears, this made your dad stip and look at you with confusion. You had never done this before no matter how many times you got hit.

But you kept on going, you coughing and shit. "I was *hic* so scared and *cough* I wont do that again!" your dad let out a sigh. Almost dying was punishment enough, gingerly, your dad pulled you back into the hug and he let you cry on his shoulder. "I'm so sorry daddy.." you say, "fine. Whatever, just don't get used to this you lil' brat." Sans smirked. You smirked back "wasnt planning to" remember when you two had those moments? Yea...this is defaintly one of them.

Sup guys TheDragonHybridXD here and um...sorry about that a/n in hindsight it was kinda stupid. But i am feeling better now! I just needed to have a crying fit and type all that stuff down! Heheh....so please, dont concern yourself for me. And thanks for reading this chapter until then BUH BYE!!!!!!!!!

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