Underfell! Papyrus X baby! reader

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There you laied. Sleeping. Sleeping so peacefully while your dad gets a migraine. Such a nice family. But I mean. Who could blame him? He was the vice captain of the royal gaurd and here he has a fucking bag of throw up and shit all curled up into one small disgusting creature.

"UUUUUUUGH" Papyrus sighed, laying on the cough. For once exhausted from to much work. And guess where that came from?! Where the fuck did you even come from anyway? All Papyrus remembers is you just. Being there suddenly.

He guesses now he can't ridicule Sans now since he had a similar problem. Maybe he should ask for help? Ha! That was out of the question! The GREAT AND TERRIBLE PAPYRUS does not need help from a RUNT like him

*a few seconds later*

"SANS (Y/N) HAS A FUCKING KNIFE WITH THEM AND I DONT KNOW WHAT THE FUCK IM DOING" Sans jumped in surprise when Paps slammed the door open. His eyes widened (somehow) and rushed downstairs.

And there you were, playing with a fucking knife. And you were having fun with it, bounceing around with it and squealing with happiness and shit. Would've been really adorable if you weren't holding a fUCKING KNIFE!

You puncle Sans took away the knife from you and checked for injuries. Luckily there was none, Sans sighed in relief and turned to Papyrus.

"How the fuck did you let them get a knife?!"


Sans felt a pull on the knife. The brothers looked at it and they saw a (f/c) aurua around it and it was pulling the knife out of Sans hand. He fought to keep the knife in his hand but it wriggled free, and floated right into your hands.

Giggling that you got back your toy you start knawing on it. This time it was your father who took the knife away from you and looked at it with genuine surprise.


"looks like they really are related to you bro. they have really strong magic at such a young age."

You just stare at the two with sadness and a bit of anger. How dare they take away your toy?! You were playing with that! Papyrus just sighed "I DONT CARE. THEY'RE A FUCKING NIGHTMARE. HOW DO YOU DEAL WITH YOURS?"

Sans stared at you for a second, trying to think if a good way to explain,"well, i dont know how to explain it. And from what i heard you gotta do different things cuz each kid is different. Like, mine can't walk (shameless oc insert) so I gotta do things differently. You gotta figure things out on the way. Are you asking for help?~"

Papyrus blushed furiously out of embaressment, "NO. I DONT! I AM TO GREAT TO ASK FOR HELP!" Sans snikered "yeah, ok. And i hate grillbys. Ill come when you call." Sans then walked upstairs to his room.

Papyrus sighed and turned around about to walk away. Until he heard you crying. He sighed out of annoyance and went to your crib thingy.


You stare up at your father, forgetting all about the toy he so RUDELY took away. You smiled and squealed, holding out your arms wanting to be picked up.

Papyrus scoffed, to him you were crying over nothing. He walked away ignoring your request. Until you started crying AGAIN. Papyrus growled again and walked up to you.


You, still crying, held out your arms again, refusing to calm down until you got your wish. Papyrus groaned and gave in. He picked you up roughly, since hes never done this before. But you didn't mind, you just laughed at his face unknowing that he was trying so hard not to drop you.

Papyrus sat on the couch so he could get a better grip on you. "WHY MUST YOU BE SUCH A HANDFULL?" you once again, since you couldnt speak, giggled and cooed at him.

Ok. That was adorable. But he was really tired right now and doesn't have the stamina to properly process all the adorableness. And then bam! You start falling asleep, as if you knew his wishes. But you were just a baby what could you know?

But Papyrus didn't care, he was happy in fact. Oh but you did look really cute when you're asleep. Papyrus gave a bittersweet smile. Maybe this wouldn't be as hard as he thought

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