Child! Sans x reader

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Recently all monster have broken out. As a human, you dont really mind much. In fact you thought this was really cool! You were tired of the same routine. Well, ever since your baby was stillborn. Turns out you're not strong enough for that. You have been thinking about adopting one, but there's no adoption center anywhere near where you live.

But anyway back to the monster thing. Alot of your friends don't agree with you but you dont give a shit.

You were currently walking home from work, that's when you heard crying. You stop. And waited for a moment, the crying was followed by a shooshing noise. It was coming from behind the dumpster in the allyway.

There were whispers as well "shhh stop crying" "what if a human spots us?" "please stop" after that you walked slowly to the dumpster. You look behind it to see two skeletons. Both were small, but one was way bigger, about 5, than the other one, who looked like an infant. The 5 year old hasn't noticed you yet, he, assuming its a he, was still trying to calm down the infant, which you're also assuming to be male.

When the infant stopped the bigger skeleton noticed you. He gave a yelp and backed away holding the infant closer "d-dont touch us!" he threatened. You studied the two kids. The bigger one had an over sized jacket and shorts, he also had a white shirt, all of it dirty and ragged. And the infant, well you couldn't get a look at his clothes. There was a dirty orange blanket wrapped around him.

The bigger child looked scared half to death. Calmly you crouched down, not a good move apperently. The bigger ones eye turned into a flashing blue and gold while his other eye dissapeared. "Back off!!" you put a finger to your lips, the child looked at you with confusion. Then you pointed at the infant who was sleeping peacefully and whispered in a kind tone "keep it down. You wouldn't to wake them up do you? Not after all that work it took to put them to sleep"

Slowly the bigger child's flashing eye turned back to normal. But he still had a threatening face on, he seemed to be elvauating you. You let him as you look at him back. Neither saying a word.

Finally the kid said something, "his name is papyrus...". Surprised at hus sudden speech you smiled. " my name is (Y/N), whats yours?" the child looked reluctant to speak " sans...."

Now that you know both of their names you can move forward. "Well, where are your parents? Are you lost?"  you have an awful feeling that you know what the answer is, but you wanted to be sure.

Sans looked down "We never had parents..." and your guess was correct. You saw how dirty and hungry they both looked so you offered "hey, how about you two stay at my house for a while?"

Sans looked at you with surprise "R-Really...?" you smiled "really" Sans smiled and blushed "ok" you held out your hand for Sans to take. Sans adjusted his brother so he could hold him with one hand. He took your hand with his free one and you pulled him to his feet.

But you didn't let go of his hand after that, Sans looked questionly, "Why are you still holding my hand?" you blushed a bit out of embarrassment and said " Sorry. Do you not want me to hold your hand" Sans raised his shoulders high, indicating that he felt shy, "No..."

You smiled and continued to walk with Sans and Papyrus to your home.

(im actually curious on how you guys would end this one. So it's your turn to write! If you choose to do this I guarantee that you will get nothing in return! Also sorry for not updateing as much. I forgot about this XD I'll try to updaye mote often until then BUH BYE!!!!!!)

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