Sans X child! reader

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You and Sans are quite close as silbings. You love Papyrus to...but..he can be to....energetic sometimes. Ok most of the time. Actually he never seems to be calm for a moment. How does he do that? He doesn't even sleep!

Ok enough about that! This is Sans we're talking about! Speaking of which there he is not so far away from you. Except he doesn't know where you were. You're playing hide and seek. But he didn't know thay at first. He thought you were in bed, suffering.

In other words, you have a cold and you heard Sans coming upstairs with medicine. So you teleported the heck outta there cuz you ain't takin no medicine! Not today boi! So there you are sitting in a cold (no pun intended he he) oh. Did I mention thay you were IN THE FUCKING SNOW WHILE SICK??

Well you were. And you think this is easily the BEST hiding spot! No! You KNOW this is the best hiding spot and- oh god you just sneezed really loud. Dangit nose!!

Ok maybe if you get down low and stay realllllly quiet may-" gotcha" Sans grabbed you by the shoulder and picked you up so you were eye to eye to him.



Sans snapped his fingers and you were back in the room that you two shared. Ok. Well Sans slept on the couch so this is really your room. But he wouldn't let you chamge anything in it.

Ok we are getting distracted here! Sans placed you on the bed and wrapped you in the blankets REALLY tight. His evil know no bounds. He brushed his hands together with his smug grin plastered on as usual.

"now that we got that done..." Sans reached for the cup if poison known as medicine. You gasped and gave a half glare at Sans.

"you wouldn't."  Sans grin grew

"oh I would, and I am" You started to wiggle around, you only need to loosen just a little bit and your home free! But Sans placed his hand on your head.

"Kid...I'm warning ya." His blue eye was out. Ok yea, time to stop now. Reluctantly, you stayed still and slightly opened you mouth. Not like you didn't have a choice. Not when I'm around.

Sans's eye went back to normal and you relaxed a bit. But he was still holding that unholy liquid. You swear that's gonna be the death of you someday! When you were little you though it was the medicine that made you sick.

Sans opened your mouth a bit more "come it might taste sickly but it'll make you feel better" you giggled at his pun, he took the opportunity and shoved the liquid into your mouth. No. Bounds.

"It's almost done." you guzzled down the rest and made a face that looked like you just ate a lemon. Sans couldn't help but snicker at your face. Which resulted of you glaring at him. Evil! No! Bounds!

You know what? When he gets sick your force feed him the ENTIRE BOTTLE and then laugh while hes suffering and he'll see how HE likes it! Breaking away from your concering dark thoughts you felt that Sans was patting you "See. Wasn't so bad"

Yea right. Are you sick I DON'T THINK SO!!!

"Still grounded tho. Till you get better"


Sans got up and opened the door to leave. But then you got the intense need to be cuddled. You would ask Papyrus, but, he's working right now.

"Uh...Sans?" Sans looked over "Yup?" you looked at him strait in the eyes "hugs?" Sans stared at ypu for a couple moments. Then he just bursted out laughing.

Curious, you asked "whats wrong?" Sans calmed down a bit, covering his mouth trying to stop.

"Nothing. It's look like a cocoon"

You puffed out your face "Well that wasn't really my intention but ok" Sans playfully rolled his eyes and teleported behind you and sat you on his lap.

"Sure kid." You smiled and buried you head in his, chest? All of a sudden you felt sleepy. The damn medicine was putting you to sleep already.

"Hey Sans?"


"If I look like a cocoon. Does that mean I'll be a butterfly someday?"

Sans smiled "sure kid" he then ruffled your hair "you'll be the best butterfly in the group. But for now just buttersit"

You giggled


Ok goin to bed now)

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