Muffet X child! reader

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Walking on webs and talking to spiders. That pretty much describes your life right there. You dont really make that much contract with other monsters. Unless those really rich monsters who actually LIKED you moms pastries came by.

Besides that it's the same thing over and over again. But hey, that's how everything is in the underground isn't it? But you refused to accept that and go against the rules sometimes. Like "no bothering the costumers", that has to be the dumbest rule you've ever heard! You're a kid! You need to talk to someone new!

As you sat on a web a distance away from the bakery table. There was your mom and a bunch of spiders. But they were eventually going to be baked into a pastry so it doesn't really matter. There's a small group that doesn't get baked into something. You are in that group. Guess she doesn't have the heart to bake her own child into goods.

Eventually both your mom and that customer leave the counter. Your mom doing whatever the heck spider moms do. This was your chance! You jumped off the web and crawled your way to the counter. You are a bit tiny, not even half the size of your mom. You stood up, you can't beleive it. This feels amazing! You feel like your in charge around here!

Suddenly another customer walks up to the counter. They look strange, new customer perhaps? They are a bit bigger than you, once again showing just how tiny you are. They stop at the counter, looks around a bit and glances at you for a split second. And at that time you swear that you saw a spark of red in their eyes. They look about 10 or 11, thats around your age as well.

The kid goes and looks at the selling webs. They give an outraged look when they see the prices. You giggled, " yea, my mom does make outrageous prices right? I mean, I know its for a good cause, but people aren't going to buy a silly doughnut for like, 90000 G." you smiled at the kid "anyway, what's your name? My name's (Y/N)"

The kid gives a stare, but it was kinda....weird cower a bit at the stare down before you try to break the ice " um....heh. You must be new here right? But I don't really venture out often. My mom won't let me." This kid looks like they couldn't care less. They start walking off, you, not wanting to be left alone starts going over the counter "hey! W-Wait where are you going?"

Suddenly one of your many arms is grabbed, and gets pulled off back into the webs. Out of fear of being in the middle of a kidnapping you start fighting back. Soon you were met with a quick but hard slap on the side of your head. Yup. This was your mom. Defaintly. Oh boy.

She turned you around to make you face her. She looked mad. You're dead for sure now. "(Y/N) (M/N) (middle name) (L/N) what do think you're doing?!" oh god, she used your full name, you're defaintly in deep trouble. You panik under presure so all that came out was "uuuuuuuuuuh"

"How many times have I told you not to talk to the customers? You'll scare them off!" this time you fought back "well sorry! Maybe if you let me venture out more and I could talk to other monsters I wouldn't need to talk to your crumby customers!" Your mom looked even madder when you talked back, oh geez. " of course not! You're not old enough and monster can easily step on you! And you certainly don't act like you are ready to venture out, much less help me run the sale!"

You opened your mouth to say something but your mom clamped one of her many hands over it. "Shh!" Your mom looks over to the strange kid walking along the webs in that floor "it's the human." wait. That kid's a human?! Oh my gosh you've never seen one before, and you just talked to one! "You stay right here, we can finish this later." she straitened your hair a bit and then went off to that human kid.

How dare she?! You were just about to talk and she just walks away! She always does this! That's it. You're finishing this talk right now! Whether she likes it or not! You start crawling back to the sales counter, you have to be sneaky or you'll be caught right off the bat. You wanna catch her by surprise. You get on you eights and start crawling.

Suddenly you hear a whooshing sound making you stand up again....heh...that's weird. That only happens when a monster.......

You start running to where your mother is, but there was only that human kid, and they were walking away from a pile of.... That could be any monsters dust haha! It couldn't be your moms', you weren't finished talking to her damn it! Shes just hiding! But, then you saw her two red bows on the dust.

Tears instantly spread. This isn't fair! The last thing you did with her was fight! You rushed to the dust pile "mom?!" you kneel down to the pile and put your top arms on it. "Mom come on you can't die! The last thing we did was fight!" the tears drop onto the dust "I'll apologise! I won't break the rules anymore and I'll let you dress me up just please get up!!"

Without you noticing the kid walked up to you and raised their frying pan. Looks like free EXP. You started sobbing "MOMMY GET UP!!!" smack. Sudden pain filled the back of your head as you were smacked down to your mothers dust. You could hear a crack and felt liquid pour out of you.

Instantly everything went white. You turned into dust, right next to your mom. (*plays madworld*) The kid smiled as they gain more EXP then walk away.

You could only see white, you were scared, you dont know what happened. Only that, you and your mother died. Mom! You start looking frantically. Where could she be? "MOOOOM!" you call, over and over again. Suddenly you hear someone, or something whisper your name. You instantly become entranced and start following the voice.

As you walk, the voice become louder and more recognisable. Once you figure who the voice belongs to, you start running to it. The tears are practically flooding at this point. Soon enough you see a figure, you jump to it. "Mommy!" you wrap your many arms around her. Muffet realises it's you, she gets down to her knees and hugs you back, one of her hands gently brushes your hair as she holds you close.

She mutters "my baby" and "I'm never letting go" You started to cry again and repeatily say sorry, to that your mother holds you closer and begins shooshing you. You pull away a bit to see your moms' face, she kisses you on the forehead and brings you close again "you're ok now"

Undertale X Child! Reader One-shots!!Where stories live. Discover now