You've No Idea

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Abe stood in the store and attempted to cover his cuts and bruises with make up when Speed walked in.

"Merciful Christ, Lincoln, what happened to your face?"

"Don't worry. I'll still be able to work." Abe kept his concentration on his face.

"Work?" Speed scoffed. "To hell with work." He continued, tossing something towards Abe. "We got invited to a ball! Could be your chance to save Mary Todd from a life of boredom." Abe opened the package and found a rental suit. Having figured out what it was he let out a groan.


"This suit makes me look ridiculous!" Abe growled at Speed once they arrived at the ball.

"Nonsense!" Speed replied, glancing up at the top of Abe's head. "But that hat makes you look ridiculous." He nodded at it. Abe took his top hat off as he followed Speed, but rolled his eyes before replacing it back on his head.

Speed pushed Abe into the ball room with a hurry in his step. "Go, go, go-- look! There she is." Speed walked towards Douglas and Mary Todd. "Good afternoon, Mr. Douglas." he took his hand firmly. "And Mary, you look beautiful."

Abe watched Speed and let out a loud sigh before walking towards the other end of the room. He found his safe haven on a couch next to a bowl of peanuts which he happily ate.


"Mr. Douglas," Speed returned back with a man. "You know Senator Knowland, of course." He said with a wide smile. He glanced towards Mary Todd and gave her a knowing look. She gave Speed a nod before glancing around the room, looking for Abe.

Abe continued to sit on the couch with a handful of peanuts, tossing them into his mouth as he watched everyone dance. Once he saw Mary Todd come into view he immediately put the uneaten peanuts back and sat up straighter.

"It's called a dance." Was the first thing Mary Todd said once she reached him. "If you were meant to sit alone they would've called it something else." She continued.

"Yes," Abe responded. "I suppose they would have." He breathed out a chuckle.

Mary Todd let out a small laugh, "Come, Mr. Lincoln." She said, extending her hand to him. "You'll ruin the upholster if you sit there any longer."

Abe took her hand and followed her as they started dancing along with the music.

"I'm sure you're a very nice man, Mr. Lincoln," Mary Todd began. "But you're a-"

"Shop keeper. I know." Abe interrupted her as they continued to dance. "With a borrowed suit."

"No, it's not a matter of means, no." Mary Todd started up again. "I'm looking for someone different. Someone whose life is a bit more... Adventurous and well-" She laughed as she stopped herself. "My apologies. I'm never this-"

"Honest?" Abe interrupted her again.


"Ms. Todd, may I speak handedly? I, too, came here to better myself. That's why I've taken interest in the law and why, if I may be so bold, taken an interest in you." Abe said hesitantly.

"Mr. Lincoln," Mary Todd said with a wide smile. "You're full of surprises." Her smile softened.

"Ms. Todd, you've no idea."

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