Original | Chapter Six

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(Sierra's POV)

When I wake up the next morning, it's unusually quiet. I get out of bed, grab my outfit for the day, and enter my bathroom. I take a quick shower and  change into a grey sweater and black leggings. I lace up a pair of brown combat boots and finish off my outfit with a scarf and a ring shaped like an elephant. I brush out my hair and leave it down to dry naturally.

I leave my bedroom and go downstairs. I find Dianna in the kitchen cooking breakfast and all three of the sisters sitting on the couch in the living room. Eddie is nowhere in sight.

"Morning, Sierra," Dianna greets me with a smile.

"Morning," I reply, ignoring the hungry cries from my stomach.

Nobody is talking to each other, only staring at the television screen. Some crime show or something is on. I wonder what happened last night after I went to bed. Has the tension from yesterday still not dissipated?

A ringtone snaps everyone out of their depressed-looking state. I see Demi reach for her phone and look at her screen. With an eye roll, she answers the phone.

"What?" she rudely snaps.

I can't hear what the other person is saying, but apparently Demi's not too happy to be talking to whomever it is. I see her cover the mouthpiece of her phone and turn to Maddie.

"Babygirl, would you mind going up to my room and grabbing my iPod?" Demi asks sweetly.

Maddie nods and hurries upstairs to Demi's room. Demi puts the phone back up to her ear, and I'm guessing whoever is on the other line has a lot to say. Maddie comes back downstairs a few moments later with a shiny iPod in her hand. She gives it to Demi, who then scrolls through it. I watch as Demi cranks up the volume of the device and holds it toward the mouthpiece of her phone. Music starts to play and is shortly accompanied by lyrics.

"You wanna play, you wanna stay, you wanna have it all. You started messing with my head until I hit a wall.."

When the song is over, Demi turns off the iPod and returns the phone to her ear.

"In case you didn't get my message there, I really don't care," she states bluntly before hanging up her phone.

Demi turns her phone off, throws it onto the recliner, and returns to watching the television as if nothing ever happened. Dallas looks like she wants to say something, but she fears her sister's personality as much as I do.

"Demi, are you okay?" Dallas asks hesitantly.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

Dallas nods, not commenting any further.

"Breakfast is ready, girls," Dianna says.

Dallas, Maddie, and Demi make their way to the table. I just remain seated on the couch.

"Sierra, are you going to eat?" Maddie asks from her seat.

I nod, even though I'm not too sure that I actually will eat. Maybe just a nibble of something. As I head to the table, I watch in disgust as Dianna sets a plate of eggs, bacon, sausage, and toast in front of me. I take my fork and poke at the food. My stomach grumbles, and I mentally curse it. Why the hell does my body seem to enjoy making me even fatter than I already am? I glance up and notice how everyone's looking at me with slightly worried gazes.

"What are y'all looking at?" I ask.

"Why aren't you eating?" Dallas asks.

"I'm just not that hungry, I guess."

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