Sequel | Seven

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~Sierra's POV~

Thanksgiving is the worst day of the year.

Why do we feel a need to celebrate weight gain and becoming fat? Sure, I'm thankful for my family and everything, but the mere thought of all of the calories thoughtlessly consumed is enough to make me sick on my stomach.

Standing in front of my full body mirror, I yank my shirt down as a soft knock gains my attention. I scamper back to my bed before telling the person to come in.

Madison silently sits at the foot of my bed.

"Demi will be here soon," she informs, and I nod, looking down as I toy with my fingers. "How are you holding up?"

"I'm fine."

She hums, sounding less than convinced. "How would you be if more people came over?"

I jerk my head up so that I'm facing her. "What are you talking about?"

"We do have extended family," she chuckles.

I mutely nod again.

How would I be if more people came over?

I wouldn't be able to handle it. All of those judgmental eyes watching me struggle, noticing how much weight I've gained, calculating all of the calories that I'm shoving into my mouth.

"Hey," Madison places her hand on my shoulder, startling me; she flashes me a sympathetic smile. "You'll be okay."

How does she know?

Upon hearing a car door slam, Maddie and I glance at each other before pushing aside my window curtains.

"Demi's here!" she squeals before charging out of my room, leaving me to shake my head in amusement.

I hear the front door shut, followed by everyone greeting my older sister. Worrying and biting at my bottom lip, I slowly make my way downstairs.

"Where's Sierra?" Demi wonders.

I speed up my pace, as if attempting to make myself seem eager to see her. "Right here." I force a grin onto my face as I descend the stairs and wrap my arms around her.

Fake it until you make it, right?

"Where's Wilmer?" Dianna asks as Demi and I separate.

"I told him not to come," Demi says, rolling her eyes, "but, knowing him, he'll worry himself sick and end up here anyways."

There's a long, awkward pause. Dianna's eyebrows knit together, but I can't tell if it's because she is confused or concerned or both.

"Can I talk to Sierra for a minute?" Demi doesn't even wait for anyone to respond before she's dragging me back up the stairs to my bedroom.

"What was the point of even going downstairs?" I snort, taking a seat on the edge of my bed.

"How are you holding up?"

"Why does everybody keep asking me that?"

Her gaze hardens into a slight glare. "No bullshit, Sierra."

"Why do you care?"

She releases an exasperated breath. "Fine. Don't say that I didn't try to help." She shakes her head, turning to leave, but I tell her to wait.

"What about you?" I hesitantly ask.

"Why do you care?" I flinch as my words are thrown right back at me.

"Wilmer's not here."

"So? I don't need him here. I'm perfectly capable of relying on myself."

I don't believe her, but I also don't want to start a full-blown argument; I'm trying to be thankful, remember? Right now, Demi's presence isn't exactly on the top of my 'most thankful' list but I can at least try to pretend.

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