Original | Chapter Nineteen

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(Sierra's POV)

"You should probably just go back home," Demi mutters to Wilmer as we approach the front door of our home.

"Why?" he inquires.

"Uh... well, um, because my family doesn't exactly, uh... they don't, um-"

"They hate you right now because you cheated on Demi," I state bluntly, rolling my eyes.

"I was trying to be subtle."

"Yeah? And how exactly was that working out for you?"

It's Demi's turn to roll her eyes.

"It's not that they hate you. It's just that-"

Wilmer holds up a hand to silence her. "It's okay. I don't blame them for hating me. I'd be worried if they didn't hate me. Hell, I even hate myself for cheating on you. You deserve better and-"

She cuts him off by connecting her lips with his.

Suddenly, the front door opens, revealing a startled Maddie.

"Ew. Okay, gross. So, um, not only do you people nearly give me a heart attack, but now I'm scarred for life, too. Great. I mean, I thought you two had broken up, but besides that, you could've just gotten a room. And this is the last time that I'm offering to check the mail because, thanks to you two-"

Demi clamps her hand against her younger sister's mouth.

"You've watched The Notebook with me," she deadpans, retracting her hand.

"And I hated every minute of it. Bea and I mock that movie."

"You watched the entire Twilight series."

"The only part of the whole series that I can truthfully say that I love is the fight scene in the final movie, and even that wasn't legit. Are you people going to come inside or just stand out here like a bunch of gnomes?"

"What about the mail?" Demi reminds her.

"It'll be there for Dallas to get tomorrow."

We trail inside behind Maddie. As Demi closes and locks the door with her back turned to us, I notice how Maddie looks her sister up and down with a worried expression.

"Gnomes?" I tease.

"Shut up," she glares at me.

I hold my hands up in surrender, a smirk on my face.

"Seriously, though," Maddie directs her attention back to Demi, "I thought you two had broken up."

"We did," Demi nods. "W-we are."

"This is one of those times when the 'It's Complicated' status on Facebook is actually a real thing," I chime in, noticing Demi's discomfort with the topic.

"Dallas isn't gonna be too happy about this," Maddie states.

"Dallas needs to get over herself," Demi snorts.

"Meow," I claw the air like a cat.

"Oh, Sierra," Maddie chuckles. "Still as sarcastic as ever, I see."

"I was only gone for a day, smart one."

"And in just one day, you obviously failed to keep me out of the loop," she says, motioning between Demi and Wilmer. "Some sister you are," she scoffs, pretending to be annoyed with me.

"What is this? Gang up on Sierra Day? No thank you."

"I feel bad for you."


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