Original | Chapter Eighteen

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(Sierra's POV)

I shove the redheaded woman away from Wilmer, almost laughing as she stumbles in her high heels. After regaining her balance, she glares at me.

"Who do you think you are, pushing me-"

"I'm his adopted daughter," I blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. "That's who I think I am. Now, who do you think you are swapping spit with my dad?"

Her eyebrows raise, and her eyes widen. She repeats the actions of opening and closing her mouth, reminding me of a fish out of water.

"Cat didn't seem to have your tongue when you were flirting with a married man," I snarl.

"Married?" she echoes, mouth agape.

I thank my lucky stars that Wilmer obviously didn't divulge his personal life to this woman.

"Didn't I just say that? Jeez, if I didn't know any better, I'd say that your clown makeup is killing your brain cells. But that would mean that there would've had to have been brain cells present to start with, correct?"

"You're calling me stupid, aren't you, you little brat?" she growls.

"Yes," I smile while nodding. "Now, I suggest you run along before my mom shows up and beats your sorry little ass so badly that you'll be wishing that you had never given your virginity up in the first place, let alone become a whore and slept with someone else's husband."

"I'm not a whore," she spits.

"Whoops, my apologies. At least whores get paid for their work."

She clenches her fists, as if resisting the urge to strike me.

"Now," I drawl out in a bored sounding tone, "in case your intellectually deprived brain didn't get the memo, don't you dare so much as step a foot within a hundred-mile radius of my dad, or, so help me God, I will personally see to it that your life becomes a living hell. Good day," I say with a grin, slamming the door before she can even begin to speak again.

I turn towards a seemingly speechless Wilmer.

"If we were in a sitcom, this is when the background track for applause and impressed whistles would start playing," I state.

"Adopted daughter?" he arches an eyebrow.

"Do you want me to call her back here?"

He vigorously shakes his head.

"You could've at least picked one who has more lights on upstairs," I snort. "How do you go from Demi to that thing?"

"She has a name."

"And you probably don't even know it. Seriously, though, Demi and that woman, who appears to be as classy as a three dollar hooker, are polar opposites. I mean, Demi... and I don't mean this in a weird way because she's my sister, and that's just..." I shudder. "But Demi's hot as fuck with perfect curves and an ass that most women would kill for. That redheaded freak of nature felt like she was going to snap in half with the one shove that I gave her."

"But that's what you want, isn't it?"


"The thigh gap, even though you already have it. The feeling of being fragile and dainty and weightless. You want all of that, don't you?"

I feel my cheeks flush from shame. My gaze flickers to the floor.

"I honestly don't know what I want anymore," I whisper, blinking rapidly to fight back tears and wondering why I'm even getting all teary-eyed in the first place.

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