Sophomore Year Begins Now

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(Note: love that song)

Taurus P.O.V - 7:00 am - September 9th, 2019

I woke up to my phone going Bing Bing Bing over an over again. I looked at my phone kind of annoyed. It was a group chat called The Squad started by Pisces.  My friends Cancer, Capricorn, Scorpio, and Virgo were also on the chat. (Note Bold means group chat/normal text)

The Fishy: GOOOOOOD morning good morning it's great to stay up late good morning good morning to you

Scorpion King: 🙉🙉🙉

Demon Bull (me): 😌😤😑😪😴

Mermaid Goat: lol


Demon Bull: 😡😡😡😡

Scorpion King: 🍰🍦🍨🍩

Demon Bull: (*^o^*) ( ^ω^)

Innocence: she's up

Mermaid Goat: lol

Scorpion King: *eats the food*

Innocence: 😨

Demon Bull: \( ̄<  ̄)>

Scorpion King: 😈😈😈

Demon Bull: 🔫

Scorpion King: 😵

Innocence: 😱

Mermaid Goat: 😖

The Fishy: 💩+👖=😳

Chat: The Crab has joined the chat

The Crab: Hey what I mi......👮

Demon Bull: 🏃

The Crab: lol see you guys at school

I closed the chat, showered, changed, grabbed my bag, and wallet, but just as I was about to walk out the door I heard a horn honk from outside.


I walked outside and saw Cancer, Capricorn, and Pisces in her car. Then I saw Scorpio and Virgo In Scorpio's truck waiting for me.  Which is something we didn't say was gonna happen, but hey now my embarrassing mom doesn't have to drive me to the school.  I walked outside and got in the truck and as we pulled off I just starred out the window.

Scorpio: Sophomore year begins now

Me: I guess it does

I said when we finally pulled up to the school

Me: *sighs * I does

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