SHAPE SHIFTS | Earth and Air Powers | Cisces Moments

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Virgo P.O.V - 2:01PM - September 14, 2019 - Chapter One: SHAPE SHIFTERS

The emotions team was totally owning the other team we'd already kidnapped 3 people and Cancer, Pisces, and Scorpio were guarding them so they didn't escape.  I heard a scream, but I continued shooting at Aries.  Then they surrendered.

Chapter Two: Earth and Air Powers

Aries: you may have won, but you'll lose this battle earth girls

Then Aries, Sagittarius, and Leo turned into some weird kind of monsters and Taurus screamed.  When she screamed a rock came out of nowhere and started repeatedly smashing one of the monsters.  Then Taurus fainted.  I was too busy watching Taurus to notice the monster flying towards me and when I did it was already on top of me.  As I struggled and whimpered under its tight grip the grass grew, wrapped around the monster, ripped it in half, and launched far away.  Capricorn punched the ground and it opened up letting the monster hall inside.  Then everything went black.

Gemini P.O.V

I just saw the whole thing that happened with Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo then they passed out. I saw Cancer standing there with Pisces and Scorpio.....WAIT IF THAT'S THE REAL THEM THEN WE HAVE.....OH NO.  I looked at Aquarius and Libra.  We turned around to see similar looking monsters.  One throw itself at Libra, but Libra blocked it with an air shield that cut the monsters head off.  Aquarius blasted her enemy with so much air and force I heard all its bones break.  I just turned my finger in a circular motion and the monster was swept up in a mini tornado.  Then we all fell out into blackness.

Cancer P.O.V - 2:45PM - Chapter Three: Cisces Moments

I untied Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius while Aquarius and the others were fighting so they saw the last bits and understand why Capricorn and the others are passed out.  Me and Pisces laid Libra next to Capricorn, climbed a tree, and watched everyone else.  Aries had the head of unconscious Virgo in his lap and he was playing with her hair.  Leo was laying next to an unconscious Gemini.  Sagittarius was just staring at Aquarius his hand on hers.  Scorpio was laying next to Taurus holding her tightly.

Pisces: is he okay.....I hope he knows she's not dead

Me: he'll be fine.....Taurus is his first TRUE love.....I'd do the same if you passed you

Pisces: *blushes* are you saying you love me

Cancer: with all my heart *looks into her eyes*

I brushed her purple hair out of the way of her right eye.  Then she pulled me into a kiss.  It was soft and sweet kinda like her.  We finally pulled away for air.  When we looked over everyone was waking up and about the magic of Cisces.

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