WHERE ARE THEY | Just Don't Say I Love You

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Leo P.O.V - 5:38am - October 7, 2019 - Chapter One: WHERE ARE THEY

Why did they leave me to comfort Scorpio and Virgo that was the worst possible decision ever and I mean really I don't care about anyone else's feelings but mine, plus it's to early in the morning, and I've almost been water sliced and crushed by a bolder in the last 2 MINUTES.  Not to say I don't miss flirting with Taurus and making Aries flip out because I won't admit that he's better than me (cause he's not), but jeez everyone's freaking out.  They'll be fine everyone's acting like they lost their leaders or something, but let me tell you just cause they're the first to signs doesn't mean they're the leaders cause I'd never take orders from Aries and I'd only take orders from Taurus in bed 😏😜.


Me: well damn Daniel

Scorpio: why haven't they tried to mind link us yet

Virgo: well if you actually paid attention in class you'd learn that when they kidnap you they put a power collar on you that prevents you from using any of your powers

Me: *cough* nerd *cough cough*


Me: *sighs* I wonder what Taurus and Aries are doing

Scorpio: probably beating each others faces in

Aries P.O.V - 4:05pm - Chapter Two: Just Don't Say I Love You

They put and Taurus in the same cell......JJJUUUSSSTTT GREAT.  I'd never hit a girl so when Taurus wakes up I'm gonna get the shit beaten out of me.

Taurus: *wakes up and sees me* uuuggghhh they really do know how to torture people

Me: *mumbles* it's not that bad

Okay to say I don't have a tiny crush on Taurus would be a BIG FAT LIE.  I can wish girls over in the blink of an eye, but I can even get Taurus to want to think about being my friend much less my girlfriend,......plus the fact that her and Scorpio are something torn out of a romance novel, and the fact that I have Virgo, but you know what screw it I'm as least gonna kiss her and I know exactly how.

Me: Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus

Taurus: Ari-

Me: Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus


Me: only if you do what I want

Taurus: I'm not doing ANYTHING for you


Taurus: okay okay I'll do it as long as you'll shut up and leave me alone afterwards

Aries: fyi since you agreed you can't back out once you find out what you have to do

Taurus: I don't care just hurry up

I walked over to where she was on the floor, flipped her over so she was facing me, sat on her thighs, and held her arms down giving her a smirk.

Me: sucks for you cause know you have to kiss me

When I told her that she didn't seem angry I even think she blushed a little......then she spoke

Taurus: whatever

I leaned in and connected our lips.  Her lips were soft and smooth and her kissing style was a bit different than Virgo's.  It was a faster, rougher, and just when I thought I was gonna have to ask for entrance....she gave it to me. I pulled back for air starring down at her......she was blushing.

Me: you wanted to kiss me......didn't you 😏

Taurus: y-you can get off me now

Me: who said I was done......maybe I'm just taking a break to breathe

Taurus: then breathe don't speak

I put my hand against her cheek looking deep into her eyes.

Me: you have really pretty eyes

Taurus: don't get sappy on me

Me: I'll be as sappy as I want to

Taurus: fine just don't say I love you


And with that I crashed my lips.  It was the most passionate make our session I've ever had in my life she honestly was an amazing kisser.  Taurus and I finally came up for air......just in time to because a mutant walked in and put his back up against the cell.  Taurus and I looked at each other for a few moments.  then we heard snoring.  So Taurus got really close to the end of the cell reaching as far as she could.  When she turned and faced me she had a series of keys. 3 cell keys and 12 Zodiac keys most likely for the power collars. She gave me the key shaped like this ♈ and hers was shaped like this♉.  We then discovered that we couldn't reach the hole without help or being double jointed like Taurus and Gemini so I had Taurus unlock mine.  Finally with our power collars off I shot a fire ball at the mutant guard sending him exploding into a pile of ashes.  Taurus unlocked the cell and finally we were free.  Taurus started mind linking Scorpio and then we jumped out the nearest window.  Taurus made flying earth platforms so that we wouldn't kill ourselves.  Once we got far enough that we were safe, but could still find the temple Taurus mind linked everyone.  They finally showed up and Taurus ran right into the arms of......Scorpio and to be honest it hurt to see her with him, but it was for the best.

Leo: what's the plan

Taurus: the Air and Earth Signs are gonna make a flying base and then the Fire and Water signs will make an on base camp fire and water supply

Me: *bro fists Taurus* GREAT idea

Taurus: Thx Aries

Virgo + Scorpio: well you two are close 😒

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