Arigo + Aquattarius | Cisces + Scorus | Cibra + Geo

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Aries P.O.V - 5:16PM - September 15, 2019 - Chapter One: Arigo + Aquattarius

After everyone woke up we were all teleported back to the school.  After all our classes and homework we got bored.



Everyone (but Cancer, Scorpio, and Taurus): NO

Pisces: *starts crying* o-okay

Cancer: *holds Pisces and strokes her hair * shh shh shh I'll ice skating with's a date

Taurus: d-don't cry I'll go to

Scorpio: if Taurus goes I'm protect her

Me: what could possibly happen while ice skating

Scorpio: she could f-fall

Leo: he just wants a reason to go on a date without asking her.....cough chicken cough cough

Taurus: you need to get that cough looked's to straight forward () *high fives Leo*

Scorpio: FINE.....*blushes* Taurus will you go on a date with me

Taurus: ye-

Pisces: NO....she's going on a double date......Cancer and I are coming too at say 8:30ish

Taurus: still yes 😒

Scorpio: whatever 😒

Me: you guys are doing it again

Scorus: doing what 😯

Me: making the same face at the same.....and now speaking at the same time

Scorus: *blushes*

Then Scorpio pulled Taurus into his chest and they both started texting.....most likely each other.....Then I had an idea Virgo and I will double date with Capricorn and Libra....and I'll try and ruin their relationship.

Me: Virgo wanna go to dinner with Capricorn, Libra, and I tonight

Virgo: yeah

Me: Libra you and Capricorn wanna come to dinner with Virgo and I tonight

Libra: Capricorn...

Capricorn: no we're going to see Paper Town with Gemini and Leo at 9:00 remember

Libra: oh yes I'm sorry my beloved

Capricorn: nothing to be sorry about my love

Me: *mumbles* f*** plan.....ruined

Scorpio: *whispers* I can hear you *continues taking pictures of sleeping Taurus* how cute


Scorpio: ssh she's sleeping *snuggles up to her and closes his eyes, but isn't asleep*


Scorpio: SHH

Sagittarius: Aquarius and I will go with you Aries

Me: it's fi-

Virgo: yay how about 8:00

Aquarius: sounds good


I knocked on Virgos door and she opened the door.  Virgo was in a beautiful red spaghetti strap top, black jeans, and red heels.  She had on pinkish lip gloss and a little eyeliner.

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